
Showing posts with the label resting

Peace of mind

I have always believed that we progress spiritually not in a neat little row but haphazardly.  We take two steps ahead, one back.  Or we zigzag a lot, trying this and that, when sometimes we just need to wait and rest.   If we're always looking for something to do , we may end up a nervous wreck.  Our bodies are designed to move, yes.  But they are also designed to rest .  Scripture tells us to be still and know that He is God.  Why can't we be frantic and know that He is God?!  Because He is peace.  He is calm.  He is tranquil.  So we meet Him where He is, Who He is - in peace. If our life is hidden with Christ in God, which the Word tells us it is, then why are we frantically looking for life or peace anywhere else, as if being busy and accomplishing was the stuff of life?  I want to know that inner stillness where Christ lives inside of me and live my life from that place. I want Him to be the calm inside me amidst the ...