Peace of mind
I have always believed that we progress spiritually not in a neat little row but haphazardly. We take two steps ahead, one back. Or we zigzag a lot, trying this and that, when sometimes we just need to wait and rest.
If we're always looking for something to do, we may end up a nervous wreck. Our bodies are designed to move, yes. But they are also designed to rest.
Scripture tells us to be still and know that He is God. Why can't we be frantic and know that He is God?! Because He is peace. He is calm. He is tranquil. So we meet Him where He is, Who He is - in peace.
If our life is hidden with Christ in God, which the Word tells us it is, then why are we frantically looking for life or peace anywhere else, as if being busy and accomplishing was the stuff of life?
I want to know that inner stillness where Christ lives inside of me and live my life from that place.
I want Him to be the calm inside me amidst the storms around me and even within my unsettled thoughts and emotions. Like Mozart famously said to Salieri in the movie, Amadeus, "Too many notes." Too many thoughts!
I have too many "notes" floating around my head at any given time. Oh for peace of mind! Not just during my quiet time or when there is peace around me, but peace when all hell breaks loose around me. Am I reaching for the moon here?
Not according to God I'm not.
He promises perfect peace to anyone with a steadfast mind (Isaiah 26:3). How do we attain that? The rest of the verse is because we trust in Him. Not because all is going swimmingly around us. But because we trust Him.
I like the ESV translation of this verse:
"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."
Stayed. It's like commanding a fidgety or anxious dog, Stay! I trust the Lord to ease my mind as I choose to focus on Him instead of doubts, fears, stress, or regrets.
Have our brains all become mush through endless streaming and social media?! To some extent, probably so! But we can't use that as an excuse to not persevere toward true peace of mind.
True peace of mind is possible through and in Christ. What a gift! What a privilege! The key to a steadfast, peace-filled mind is trusting God.
Oh Lord. We are experts in complicating things! When we whittle it down, though, we find what we truly need - it is the same for all of us always - to trust in You. To rest in You. To abide in You. To keep our thoughts stayed on You. You wouldn't have told us to do these things unless they are true and attainable! Help us, Lord Jesus, trust You more and always. Thank You that peace of mind is possible in and with You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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