
Showing posts with the label deception

Words you won't find in the Bible

You will not find the following words in the Bible: self-care self-love self-worth self-esteem These are man-made words.  So the question that begs to be answered is, why did we come up with these words? Because for most, self is god.  We are obsessed with ourselves. That is at the root of the first sin, isn't it?  Eve thought self knew better than God.  Oh sure, you can say that she was deceived by the serpent - and she was.  But Eve had a choice.  She could have remembered what God commanded her to do and obeyed Him.  She could have taken her eyes off the serpent and herself (her own reasoning).  After all, God blatantly told Adam and Eve to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.   Once Eve put her trust in anyone else other than God, she was doomed.   And so are we. Do not believe for one minute that focusing on yourself more  is the answer in life. Focusing on ourselves less  is where it's at! How ...

Enemy tactics

Did you know that the enemy will distract you from God's will with something totally unrelated to His will?  The enemy is always trying to divert our attention off of the Lord and onto something totally irrelevant to our walk with God. When you obey God's will, you have a huge influence on those around you. You never fully know, this side of heaven how your obedience is influencing others for His Kingdom, but God promises to bless your obedience.  So not only does your obedience bless your life, but is also blesses those in your sphere of influence. Be forewarned: when God tells you to do something, and you obey God and step out in faith, the enemy will try to get your focus on something or someone that doesn't matter in the least to your calling. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.  So when the enemy brings to mind how someone mistreated you, remember that you are dealing with principalities and strongholds in the spiritual realm, not  the person who harmed...