Why worry?

What are you worried about?  Do you have many cares?  Do you worry easily?  

Have you ever asked yourself why you worry so much?  Has worrying ever done you a lick of good?  What does it accomplish?  Does it solve anything?

If we look at worry straight on, see it for what it is, I don't think we would ever worry again.  

What worry "offers:"

Physical side effects

Who in their right mind would want these things in their life?!

But how can I help it? you may ask. 

You do not "have to" worry.  I repeat, you do not have to worry.  

You have a choice.

Reasoning and trying to figure out every little thing is exhausting.  And no matter how smart we are, or think we are, our intelligence and reasoning skills are no match for God's omniscience and wisdom (to say the least!).

That is why when we "give it to God," surrender our worries, fears, and doubts, and allow Him to resolve, heal, deliver, protect, provide, and whatever else our real or perceived needs may be, we are secure.  We are free.  We can relax.  We can live life as it was meant to be lived: leaning on the only One who really knows the answer, solution, or antidote to all of our worries.

Got faith?  If not, ask for it.  God is more than willing to increase your faith.

We were not meant to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.  Not even the weight of everyday life.

God has provided a Savior for us to yoke with.  What a wonderful and awesome truth this is!

"Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for He always tenderly cares for you."  I Peter 5:7

Some people think wrongly that if we don't worry, it means that we don't care.  Bah!  Worrying does not show how much we care, it shows how little we trust God!  Period!

So why worry?  Why, indeed, when you can lay it all down, hand it over to the Lord, and be at peace.

Now who doesn't want more peace in their hearts and lives?  Any takers?

Lord Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace.  You are also the great Provider, Healer, Restorer, and Rescuer.  Whatever our worries, You not only have the answer, You are the answer.  All wisdom is found in You, O Lord.  And when we trust You, You indeed work miracles for us!  In these days of the pandemic, there could be much to worry about.  Yet You bid us come to You.  You tell us not to worry because it doesn't add any years to our lives.  Help us to trust You more, Lord.  We lay down all of our worries at Your feet, leave them with You, and trust You for Your solutions to reveal themselves and manifest themselves.  If You need our help (!), You will let us know!  Thank You that You are our true Helper in life, Lord Jesus.  Replace all of my worries with Your peace and love.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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