The best to do list ever

If I gave you a list of all the things that you are to entrust to the Lord, it would go on forever.  Now I could easily sum it up in one overarching way - trust Him with yourself.  But what does yourself include?

Here is a list to get you started.  It is not exhaustive, but it gives you an idea of just how much you can trust Christ.

Trust God with or for your:

  1. Health
  2. Finances
  3. Future
  4. Past
  5. Present
  6. Circumstances
  7. Whole heart
  8. Job security
  9. Provision
  10. Safety
  11. Security
  12. Identity
  13. Eternal place
  14. Salvation
  15. Redemption
  16. Heartache
  17. Healing
  18. Restitution
  19. Recompense
  20. Reward
  21. Justice
  22. Peace
  23. Friends
  24. Family
  25. Debt
  26. Self-image
  27. How you see others
  28. Relationships
  29. Age
  30. Output
  31. Purpose
  32. Mistakes
  33. To be fearless
  34. Faults
  35. Temper
  36. Self-control
  37. Resources
  38. Network
  39. Lack
  40. Abundance
  41. Possessions
  42. Broken relationships
  43. Fears
  44. Doubts
  45. Hurts
  46. Regrets
  47. Trauma
  48. Resolving what bothers you
  49. Impossible people and situations
  50. Wealth
  51. Talents
  52. Issues
  53. Make up for lost time
  54. Insight
  55. Wisdom
  56. Guidance
  57. To lead you
  58. Help you let go
  59. Surrender
  60. Doctor's report
  61. Wayward child
  62. Belonging
  63. Love
  64. Knowing that you matter
As I said, the list could go on forever.  This is just a smattering of items to get you on the right path; to show you that you can trust the Lord with everything.  Everyone.  Everywhere.  Past, present, and future.  All your problems, all your doubts and fears and concerns and worry about the past and the future.  

It is an invitation for you to lay it all down and trust Him to handle it for you.  Who could do a better job of things, the Creator and omnipotent Master of the Universe, or you?  "Well, when you put it that way."  That is how it is!

We can try and fix things on our own, but we usually make more of a mess than remedy things, no?  Or maybe you are one of those who seems to be able to actually fix or control things, but you are in a constant state of unrest and inner turmoil because you are trying to be God, and you're not.  You weren't made to control every little thing.  

So in addition to your grocery list, laundry list, or whatever other lists you make, why not look this one over, pray about it, and realize that you have a loving, all-powerful, all-wise God Who is there for you - Who is able to take care of every little and big thing for you, through you, in you, and even in spite of you.  

Then sit back and relax and watch Him work on your behalf!

Dear Lord, I admit that I would like to control things, but I know deep down that it only leaves me unhappy and on edge.  Help me to trust You, Lord, in all things, with all things, and to know that You know exactly how to fix, heal, remedy, and perfect that which concerns me, that which is out of my control.  You are the great Healer and Restorer, O God.  You know the past and the future.  You have perfect Wisdom.  So I give You my list of everything that concerns or upsets me and trust You to work it all out for my good.  Help me do my part, but not try and do Yours!  Thank You for being a loving and trustworthy God, O Lord.  In Jesus'  Name.  Amen.


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