How we put God in a box

We all do it.  We put God in a box.  We know in our minds that He can do anything, even the impossible.

But in real life, we're more inclined to look at ourselves, our resources, our limitations, problems, etc, etc.

Taking our eyes off ourselves is step one.  That's enough work for most of us!

But beyond that, we admit that He is telling us to do something we cannot do in our own power or resources or strength.

God asks us to do the impossible so that we will know that HE is the one behind it, making it happen.  We do not get any credit.

God gets all the glory.

Moses couldn't part a sea.  No way, no how, never in a million years.

But God could!  And He did! 

Moses was trapped.  There was no way out, no way to escape the Egyptian army coming after him and his people.

But God knew the way out!  He had it all worked out for Moses.  All Moses had to do was obey God!

Now we may never see a sea part.  

But we all have, or have had, or will have, impossible situations where we are trapped; where we cannot "fix" or solve the problem ourselves.

Enter God.

God shows up just in the nick of time.  Who says God isn't into the dramatic?!

The check arrives just in time.  An open door out of nowhere opens for us.  That longtime prayer that you've been praying for years is suddenly - with no help from you - answered out of the blue.  Or that difficult situation doesn't change, but you are freed on the inside.  

If there is a sea that needs parting, only God has the power to part it.

So what is your "sea?"  What have you been trusting God to do but He doesn't seem to be budging yet?

Have you put Him in a human-sized box?  Have you limited Him to "natural" resources?  "Well, God can't do that for me.  After all, God helps those who help themselves."  Really? Where is that verse in the Bible?  You won't find it.

We can't imagine what God can do because we don't see Him as He really is.  Almighty.  All-powerful.  Unlimited.  Able to do what is naturally or humanly possible.

Believing for the impossible can feel cray cray.  But throughout the Bible, and throughout all the world's history,  God has provided miracle after miracle to those who believe.  He even comes through for the non-believer in order to make a believer out of him!  

The people Jesus healed were not always "believers" already!  Sometimes, He needed to do His stuff in order to bring them to faith in Himself.

How to take God out of our self-made boxes? Trust Him more.  Have faith in His Omnipotence.  Believe Him for the impossible, because He is the only One who can do the impossible!

Dear Lord.  You are Lord!  This in itself should be the obvious response we have to You.  Since You ARE Lord, You CAN do the impossible!  It is easy for You.  Please show up and part my "seas," dear Lord.  Show Yourself outside my paltry "box."  For I believe that You can and will do the impossible in my life! Thanks in advance, Lord, for Your awesome miracles!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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