What's your one thing?

David asked the Lord for one thing: that he may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life.

Is that your one thing?  

What do you desire above all else?  If you had to whittle it down to one thing, what would it be?  Honestly.

We live in Distractionville all of us.  And it can ruin us if we let it.  

It steals our ability to focus and concentrate for any length of time.  It causes anxiety and stress.  

Do we know how to settle down and be still any more?

Can we stop worshiping the Busy god and admit that it does not fulfill us as we want?

Or maybe your god is keeping up with the latest "trends" and "posts."  This god, too, will fail us.

What if, just saying, our one thing were the same as David's?  What if the thing we most valued and treasured were His Presence?  That is what dwelling in the house of the Lord means: intimacy with God.  Valuing His Presence more than anything.

When we do this, Distractionville loses its appeal.  It is exposed for what it is: an empty well.

We have access to more knowledge and "entertainment," easily and readily, than ever before.  Is the world a better place for it?  Uh, one glance at the evening news shows us otherwise.  

Knowledge for the sake of knowledge leads nowhere. What are we learning?  How does it serve us and those whom we serve?

But when we make the Lord our "one thing," then all else will fall into place.  Jesus promised us so.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

So how do we go about making Jesus our one thing?

We decide.

Plain and simple.  Like all else in life, we choose what or whom we focus on at any given moment.

Now I realize that we all have responsibilities and obligations.  I am not suggesting becoming a monk, unless that is where the Lord is leading you.

The trick is - and one I am still learning - to abide in Jesus throughout our days - whatever we are doing.  To abide means to dwell or stay.  Are we any good at staying any more?

Like the magnetic force in a compass pointing north, if we let Him, Jesus can always point us back to Himself.  We can let Him straighten us out.  We can bounce back.  We can bring our attention and gaze back to Him.

He does this via His Holy Spirit in us.

But here's the rub: We have free will.  Again, it's all about choice.  We can choose to veer south, east, or west, so to speak, and not allow ourselves to be drawn back to our north.

We veer because we are all fallen, sinful creatures.  Our fleshly wills do not desire to abide in Christ.  It is a tug of war at times.  It is a battle.  Even the apostle Paul struggled with this (see Romans 7:15).

But all is not lost!  We are new creatures in Christ!  His Holy Spirit in us empowers and enables us to not only abide in and choose Christ but to actually do it!  The only reason Christians desire Christ is because of Christ in us!  We cannot take credit for this, for no good thing dwells in our flesh.  (see Romans 7:18) It's our Spirit that is alive in Christ.  Our flesh goes to the cross!  That is the only place for it! (see Galatians 2:20)

If you are not familiar with the Scriptures I refer to here, I truly hope that you will take a moment and look them up.  If you Google the verse, it will appear!

Anyway, getting back to the one thing.  See?!  I've veered!

To abide in Christ is our bliss.  Our greatest joy.  Our highest calling.  It is so worth it to practice His Presence.  I am still learning.  But I help myself by not giving into the myriad of distractions both around me and at my fingertips (iPhone!). 

I crave peace in my life, in my heart, in my mind.  I do not like tumult, unrest, anxiety, and the like, as I'm sure you don't, either.

I know where to return over and over when I do get lost - to my True North, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is our anchor, rock, refuge, bulwark, and everything else that we need in life in order to have true peace.

Jesus is our peace.  He is our one thing.

Oh Lord, the distractions of life seem endless.  I don't know why they beckon so except that I have allowed bad habits in my life, in my soul.  Please rid me of all of them, Lord, as I choose You instead!  For I need You, Lord.  I know that every need I have can only be met in You.  Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me - for putting up with me.  For I would truly be lost without You - I feel that feeling every time I don't keep You as my one thing.  I want to be found in You, sweet Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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