Thriving during a pandemic

Is this even possible?  Our world has literally been turned upside down.  And none of us have ever lived through such a worldwide event.  It is sort of like what those who lived through WWII must have felt like - lives being lost, uncertainty as to the end of it, feeling out of control.

Yet if we look at the art that was produced during the 40's, it is some of the richest we have ever produced!  I half jokingly always say that no good movies have been made since 1949, because so many of the outstanding ones were produced back in the day.

People went on with their lives and were able to bounce back after all.

But, you may say, they didn't have to wear masks wherever they went and were able to gather in the same space without fear!  True.

But there also seemed to be a core to people back then - a spiritual, deeply rooted core that seems lacking today.  The world has never been so divided and it hurts.

So on top of the concerns for our physical well-being and our mental health, we are dealing with discord throughout the land.  I thank God for this country and for all of the freedoms that we have.  But it all still seems so broken.

But we don't have to follow suit!  We don't have to fall into the trap of being on one "side of the aisle" or the other.  We have a King!  And He will reign one day!  And all will finally be right with the world!

Now, with new variants rearing their ugly heads, the hits just keep coming.  And vax or no vax, this thing ain't over yet.  

So we persevere.  But how?  Dragging our hearts with us?  How exactly do we still thrive during such an evernt?


That's what pulled the country together in the 40's and, if we're smart, it can do the same now.

The answer is always prayer - tapping into the only Source that can really help us.

And not just praying for an end to the virus, but praying for the endurance to get through it with dignity, grace, and with our faith and hopes and dreams still intact.

Maybe your dreams have taken a beating in all of this and you can't see a way out.  I say to you: wait on the Lord.  God Almighty will renew your strength and fortitude.

I think if we place our hopes in the pandemic ending, we may be in for a longer haul than we originally hoped for.  And hope deferred makes the heart sick (see Proverbs 13:12).

But God still wants us to have hope!  But in Him!  Not in anything or anyone else.  Why?  Because this is what carries us through and is best for us - no matter what is happening in the world around us (which, let's face it, is enough to drive anyone to their knees!).

So we thrive during any course of events because we are connected to our Creator.  He never dies.  He lives on forever.  His love and power are still there for us.  

This is more powerful than pulling ourselves by our bootstraps!  This is Almighty God I'm talking about!  I would rather hold on to Him than my bootstraps!

So let's remember this other powerful Scripture as we continue to endure this pandemic:

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  Romans 12:12

We can get through this with God's grace and help!  Look to Him and be saved!

Thank You, dear Lord, that You are in absolute control.  Thank You for Your plan and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  You do not delight in our suffering at all but always have compassion and mercy on us.  Yet this is a fallen world and stuff happens!  So we look to You, faithful Father, and put all of our faith, hope, and trust in You and You alone.  Help us thrive always.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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