Being strong where it counts

There are all kinds of strength.  You can be physically strong, emotionally strong, mentally strong, and so on.

But there is a strength that trumps all of these and that is spiritual strength.

This is because when we are strong in the spirit - in the things of the Lord - then we have an inner strength that empowers us to do and face whatever life asks of us.

Think of it as a tree where the roots are your spiritual strength and the tree, branches, and fruit are all possible because of the strength of the roots - how deep they go, how strong they are, etc.

People can put on all kinds of "shows."  But only God knows each heart.

Sometimes, those who "act" the strongest on the outside carry the most fears with them on the inside.

Anyone placing all of their confidence in their physical strength, or any other strength, will deep down be insecure.  Why?  Because all other strengths, aside from spiritual, can be weakened and deteriorate.  Because we were not built to build our lives on physical/mental/emotional strength alone.  

If we cling to Christ, the Source of our spiritual strength, we will always be strong enough to face whatever comes our way - losses, setbacks, attacks, and so on.  And this strength can only increase if we feed it properly!

When we have that unchanging, undiminishable strength inside of us, we can truly do all things through Christ because we are building our lives on His strength which is inexhaustible and unchanging.

We can devote all sorts of time to gaining the other types of strength - and none of these are bad in and of themselves.  It's just that they're limited.  And they're not meant to be roots.

So if we're not in tune with the Lord on this, we can end up spending our entire lives building strength in what ends up being houses of cards.  

The wiser person will "build their house," so to speak, spiritually first.  From that foundation, the sky's the limit!

One caveat.  Spiritual strength is not as easily measured as muscle mass, or an IQ test, or a "stiff upper lip."  We cannot see with the natural eye how strong a spirit is.

So if you want to see quantifiable results when you look for spiritual strength, it is a bit more ethereal.  But you will know that the spiritual strength is there when you are still standing, still thriving, still hoping, still moving forward, when others have fallen by the wayside.  

Just because we can't "see" spiritual strength, necessarily, doesn't mean it isn't worth investing time and energy in.  You can't see the roots of a tree, but remove them and you have no tree!

Seek the Lord in this and see what He tells you.  

Dear Lord.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit inside of me who gives me strength, wisdom, and all that I need for a faithful life. I want my roots to go deeper and deeper still in You, Lord Jesus, so that I can be strong in the strength of Your might!  Help me put all other strenghts in proper perspective, Lord, and devote more of myself and life to building spiritual strength.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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