God's calling on your life

How do you know God is calling you?  Are you waiting for a sign?  An audible voice?  

You will most likely get neither.

God can be as direct or subtle as He pleases.  But His foremost desire and purpose for us is that we know Him.  So if we're looking to do something - even for Him - then we are putting the proverbial cart before the horse.

First we are.  Then we do.

So who are we?  Are we committed to Christ?  Do we trust Him fully?  Because if we don't have those two qualities, then He is not going to tell us what to do.  

If you're itching to act but God is not through with your season of waiting yet, then you will have to learn how to live with that itch!  

God's call is unique and specific.  It entails everything we've ever experienced, seen, heard, and lived.  He uses all of it and wastes nothing.  The good, the bad, the ugly - all of it.  Being the Master Designer, He knows exactly how all of the pieces fit together.  

Your waiting, suffering, rejection, and whatever else you've been through, are not in vain.  Not when you belong to God.

If you are staying true to Him, remaining faithful to Him and obeying Him no matter what, then you are in His will and He knows when to release you into your calling.

In the meantime, wait well!  Let Him continue to build you faith.  Keep learning, keep studying His Word.  And keep doing the last thing He told you to do.

If you are easily bored (!), then take whatever you're doing up a notch.  Keep growing and learning.  Ask the Lord what He wants to teach you, how He is preparing you, and just keep at it.

Moses waited 40 years.  Joseph waited 13 years.  Jesus waiting 30 years.  

All of God's chosen ones waited.  Even the Lord!  His ministry did not begin until He was 30 years old.   

So take heart!  If you are still waiting to be called, used more specifically by the Lord, wait on!  Trust His timing.  Do not take matters into your own hands or you will wind up with ashes.  Remember, anyone can set goals and accomplish them.  That is the world's way.  

When you belong to God, He sets the goals.  He is in charge of their fruition.  He decides, chooses, leads, instructs, and guides.  We are to listen!  When it is time to act, He will make it clear to us.

Dear Lord, help me trust You no matter what.  Help me believe that Your timing is perfect. Let me realize that knowing You will always be my highest and first calling.  Help me to know You better each day.  I trust You to "send me out" into my calling in Your perfect time.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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