The root of fear

Did you ever ask yourself what is behind all of the fear happening inside and around you?

Covid.  Just say the word and fear raises up inside us.  But why is that?  No one wants to get sick, feel bad, or have fatigue - a really bad flu and worse.  No one wants to suffer or be in pain.  So there is the fear of getting sick and feeling awful.

But the deeper fear underneath all of that is the "elephant in the room."  Death.  That is the mother of all fears that drives all the lesser fears.

And why do people fear death?  It doesn't hurt.  When you're gone, you're gone!

It's what happens next.  When you have not received or believed in Christ, you are spot on in your fear of death.  You should fear it!  Because it is not the end.  Oh it's the end of your physical life, to be sure.  But not your eternal one.

That one is spent either in heaven or hell.

There.  I had the guts to say it!

Yes, both are eternal realities.  If you don't believe me, then you are not familiar with Scripture - that is where it spells it out for us.  

Jesus talks about hell.  A lot.

So I know it is real.

But the beauty of being born again into Christ is that...wait for it...there is no longer any fear of death.  Period.

No fear of death.  Who doesn't want that in their life?!

You can have it!  You can get rid of all other residual fears by nipping this one - THE one - in the bud.  You do not have to fear death if only you give your heart and soul to the Creator of your heart and soul, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a mystery in that it is a supernatural work inside of us.  But you know you have it because you no longer fear death!  You know that, as a child of God, you are going to heaven when you leave this body and earth.  Yahoo!

No Covid, no cancer, no nothing can cause you to fear as long as you fast forward to the ultimate possible "outcome" of these things.  Death.

Once you've stared death down - see it for what it is - a gateway into the Presence of the Lord forever and ever - you not only not fear it, but you can actually look forward to it!  Not in a gruesome or morbid way, but in a healthy way.  

You are not one of those who when asked how you are says glibly, "It beats the alternative." Bah!  Not when you're in Christ!  It is the exact opposite!  This life pales in comparison to the new incorruptible body, the glory, the love we will experience when we get there!  So in no way does this life "beat the alternative" when you belong to Christ!

I just sighed a deep sigh as I wrote these words.  What a relief!  The truth of it all.  The beauty and miracle of it all.  

Truth is we all deserve hell - each and every one of us from Mother Teresa to the vilest of sinners - but Christ paid the price - He was the sinless sacrifice offered once and for all for all sin for everyone for all time.  This overwhelms me when I think about it for any length of time.  Perfect Jesus went to hell for us filthy sinners so we wouldn't have to face it.  Ever.

If this doesn't make you shout alleluia, nothing will!

So there you have it.  If you want to be truly fearless - face any peril, situation, even death - then receive Christ into your heart.  He is just a prayer away.  He doesn't want you to go to hell.  He wants to save you from your sin and give you His precious gift of salvation.  How about right now?

Dear Lord, we all need You!  You are the Savior of the world.  There is no other God but You.  Thank You, praise You for making a way to heaven for us.  Because of You, Your promise to us, Your Presence, Your sacrifice, it is THE game changer of all game changers!  We no longer fear death!  So nothing can "get" to us to cause us fear any longer.  Oh what joy this brings us!  Thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord Jesus.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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