Why the Word is crucial for life

Everything we need is found in the Word of God.

The meaning of life
True love
Past and future events
Our relationship with God
Who God is
Why we were created
Where we are going
Our reason for living
And so much more

If we don't know God, we don't know Life.

If we don't know God's Word, we don't know Him.

When I think that God bothered to reveal Himself to us at all, it blows my mind.  He didn't have to tell us anything.  He gave us the entire universe as proof of His existence.

But He wanted to be known.  He wanted to reassure us that He is there - as God our Father, as the One holding everything together with the power of His might, as the Savior that we all need.  It is a privilege that we can get to know God at all.  So why aren't more people lining up for this awesome journey?

People make God into their own image.  He is thus-and-so. 

But you wouldn't want anyone defining you as something that you are not any more than God wants that for Himself.

God tells us Who He is through His Word.  Just like if you wrote your life story, we would get to know you by reading your book.  How would I get to know you otherwise?

So if you truly want to know the One, True, Living God, then you are blessed to have access to the Bible.  Not all do, you know.  May the Lord bring His Word to them before His return!

Lest we think we can "do life" (an expression I loathe) without Him, the world around us shows us otherwise.  Everywhere society has "kept God out" is a royal mess, to say the least.  The people there are without real hope or purpose.  And the more any culture pushes God out of the picture, the more evil it will become.

The world offers "life" with the paltry, temporary fluff of fame and fortune.  But these do not define a person, nor do they bring any lasting peace, contentment, or hope, let alone salvation.

What about "being a good person?"  Isn't that enough?  Why do I need God if I'm already pretty good, you might be wondering.  

But are you really and truly good?  Once again, thank God for His Word that sheds light on who we really are!  Without His Word, we are left to our own devices or comparisons and self-ignorance.  "Well, I'm not as bad as them."  

The Word tells us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  What part of "all" don't you understand? (Romans 3:23)  

"No one's perfect."  Are you going to stand before God with that argument?!  No, you're not.

Precisely because only God is perfect is why we need Him, His salvation, His grace.  No one is without the need for His mercy and grace that He alone provides.

One caveat: you won't fully understand God's Word until you are born again.  It would be like reading a foreign language and trying to understand it.  

The Word is a Spiritual book and therefore can only be read, or understood, or "interpreted" by the Spirit of God.  When we are born again, the Spirit of God lives inside of us and His Spirit opens our eyes and minds to the Scriptures. 

The Word transforms us as we read it.  It is more a Renovator than a rule book.  It has power - the power of God Himself.  For the Word is God.  (John 1:1)

To think there is an entire generation that is ignorant of God's Word is shocking to me.  Technology is powerless to save a soul.  

People need the Lord.  We all do.  And we need to know His Word in order to live life to the fullest, know what life is all about, and to know our Creator.

Is He calling you to Himself as you read these words?  I pray you answer Him with a yes.

Lord Jesus, please open the eyes of anyone reading this right now and come into his or her heart with Your great love and Holy Spirit.  Give them a hunger for Your Word, for You, O God.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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