Restoring Eden

No other gods before Me.  That is what Jesus tells us to do - to put no one or nothing above or before Him in our lives, hearts, and minds.  Why does He want this of us?  It certainly isn't some ego trip on His part - He has no "need" of our allegiance, but He desires it not for His own satisfaction, but for our good.  For our best.

He knows that nothing can or will ever, ever, ever fill us up in our souls like Him.  As we put Him first - worship Him, desire Him, seek Him - we are satisfied in our souls.  Why?  Because we were created for this.  

Eden was perfect not only because there were no weeds.  Eden was perfect because Adam and Eve walked with God in uninterrupted communion.  Bliss indeed.

Before sin entered the picture, Adam and Eve worshiped God freely.  Nothing came between their intimate relationship with God. That's what Jesus came for!  So that sort of closeness to God could be restored!  I can't imagine life without it!  We can experience a bit of heaven on earth, if you will - our own "Eden" when we know Christ personally.

And, of course, there is heaven itself to look forward to - the new heaven and the new earth where Christ will reign in all His love and glory.  So paradise will once again be restored - we will worship Christ, have communion with Him forevermore without any "competition" from lesser "gods."  I breathe a sigh a relief just typing these words.  What a glorious future Christ has provided for us!  We all deserve banishing from His Kingdom because of our sin, but Christ's sacrifice offers us heaven instead!

So when we are tempted to worship other gods - and we all are and do - it's like we need to get back to Eden.  We need to steer our focus back on Christ - the only hope of peace, love, joy, contentment, belonging, and security we truly have, want, or need anyway.

There are lots of good things that life offers us.  But none can compare to or offer us the soul satisfaction we find in Christ alone.

What is it you are longing for?  Riches?  A non-dysfunctional family?  Fame?  A bigger house?  

The sooner you realize that none of these are capable of offering you true, deep, lasting peace, love and joy, the sooner you will be free.  The sooner you will stop "worshiping" other gods and realize that there is only One Person Who knows what you truly need and provides what you are really seeking.  

Precious Lord Jesus, help us worship You not as an obligation or even because You are worthy.  Help us worship You because that is who we are - worshipers!  So instead of worshiping anyone or anything else besides You, Lord, we acknowledge You as the One, True, Living God.  We put You first, Lord, where You belong.  And when we do, we are right inside ourselves, right with others, right in the world.  Restore Eden in our hearts and lives, Lord, as we fellowship with You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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