How to work with God

Did you know that you can work against God's working in your life?

Jesus Himself said that you are either for Him or against Him.  No neutral ground there.

I read in one of my devotionals this morning about how we can either work with God, or against Him.  I wanted to know how I can better work with God, so I asked Him how to do so.

He gave me a short, simple list:

1. Always forgive
2. Keep smiling
3. Keep trusting Me
4. Always be thankful
5. Do not limit Me!

Ahh.  This list refreshes me.  It restores my soul.  How?  First off, it is not complicated.  Each of these is doable!

If I had to say which one is hardest for me, it would be #5.  I'm sure I limit God in many ways and areas of my life.  Typing these words makes no sense as I see them written out!  I mean, I know that God is infinite.  I know that He can do anything, including the impossible.  

I know these things in my mind.  Yet, when I ask of Him certain things, in my mind I cannot see how He can answer me!  There are many things in life that only God can do for us.  Actually, in reality He does everything for us, including give us each breath that we breathe!

But when it comes to the wickedness of other people and its resulting behavior, I know that God has given each one free will.  So when I pray for the Lord to change their hearts, this is when I can limit God.  Because I know how stubborn and rebellious people can be - including some Christians!

But what if I were to take the limits off of God?  What if the sky truly was the limit when I pray to Him?  Then what?

When we focus on people, or anything else for that matter, instead of God - that is when we limit Him!  It is when we look at what people can or cannot do that we flounder.  

The chapter of my devotional study this morning came from chapter 42 of the book of Job.  Ah, good ol' Job.  I love that man.

Job wisely and eventually took his eyes off his well-meaning, but very wrong-in-their-interpretation-of-his-situation friends, and put his focus back where they belong  - on God.

God made things right in the end for Job.  He did so by telling Job's friends to bring Job a burnt offering, a sacrifice.  He told them that if they obeyed Him, then Job would pray for them (or forgive them).  

"After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10

Job could have rightfully held a grudge against his friends.  They offered him litle comfort when he was at his lowest, depressed self.  Instead, they judged him.  Oy.  

But Job prayed for them.  Their bringing Job an offering was their way of apologizing, I think.  They fessed up.

Takeaway?  Pray for your well-meaning-but-not-in-tune-with-God friends!  (I'm really into hyphens today)

Job's friends were essentially clueless.  They actually thought they were speaking on God's behalf!  But they were actually working against God, not with Him.  

I don't know about you, but I want to work with God, not against Him.  

We can be just as clueless as Job's friends if we're not careful.  God knows exactly what He is doing.  Always.

It was God who gave Satan permission to all but destroy Job's life.  God was after something more precious than even family and possessions.  God was after Job's heart.  God wanted Job to know Him.  Really know Him.

And God has not changed!  God's major and overriding motivation for us is that we know Him!  Will He put us through all that Job suffered?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  That's His call!

But Job received uber wisdom once he was humbled and saw the Lord as Lord.  

Ahh.  This gives me great hope and also relaxes me for some reason.  

Are we willing to "go there" with God?  Will we suffer loss and remain faithful to Him - not limiting Him or His wisdom but instead worshiping Him for who He is?  

We are wise to do so.  For He is worthy!

Oh Lord.  I so want to work with You and not against You.  Please forgive me when I complain instead of giving thanks.  Help me to always forgive and keep smiling!  Help me always trust You no matter what.  And above all, help me to never limit You!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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