Harvey Weinstein, Niagara Falls, and clean slates

Most people, including Christians, do not forgive each other.

I have witnessed this over and over again in the past 30+ years of walking with Jesus.

Ever since I came to the Lord, I naively assumed that if I wronged someone, knowingly or unknowingly, that I would be forgiven.  After all, that's what the Bible tells us to do, right? 

So why, then, have I experienced so little of it among so-called Christians?  Don't they believe the Lord's Prayer - "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"?  Maybe they don't care if they are forgiven by God.

I have had to, like you, forgive many people over the years.  I find that it's a choice, not a feeling.  I rarely, if ever, feel like forgiving someone.  

But I do it in obedience to God.  I do it because I want to stay right with God and I so desperately want and need His forgiveness.

When I turn to Jesus for forgiveness over anything, Jesus forgives me at once.  He doesn't wait to think about it.  He doesn't "diss" me for a while, or write me off.  Never.  

As Christians, we have all experienced this wonderful grace and forgiveness from the Lord.

Yet I see it all the time - Christians holding grudges.  Christians "ghosting" people.  Christians gossiping and ruining reputations because they are mad at that person.  Christians being small and petty.

What's a girl to do?  Walk on eggshells around them?

"They will know we are Christians by our love."  Love involves forgiving each other.  Lots of it.

Not just those we "like."  Not just those we deem "worthy."  But everyone.

We all love the clean slate that Jesus offers us daily.  Think of it!  The God who has total recall, who can bring up ALL of our sins in a split second, chooses to remember our sins no more.  God, who has the right to not forgive us, forgives us freely.  

Do we offer others clean slates?  Are we able to do that?

I get it.  I know what it's like to be hurt, more times than I wish.  I know how easy it is to look at that person, going forward, "differently."  We let how they hurt us color how we see them.  That's human nature.

At one time, Harvey Weinstein was the revered Hollywod "it" man - the producer of producers.  

Then, overnight his reputation was ruined.  All of his good works before were as naught.  

We can never look at him the same way.  We just can't.  Now we're "in the know" about him.

We sit in judgment over his horrible sins.  We deem him unforgivable. But how many of us can think of him with compassion and mercy?  How many of us could give him a clean slate?

I'm guessing not many, if any.

But though we have never acted in the way Harvey did, all of us are just as guilty in God's eyes.  Does that shock and offend you?  

Jesus pretty much leveled the field when He said that even looking at another person with lust is the same as actually committing the sin.  Ouch.

Oh, we don't like the harder words of Jesus, do we?  

Why am I belaboring this?

Because bottom line is we all need forgiveness from God.  And from there, we are all to offer forgiveneess to each other.

I believe with all my heart that if Christians were actually living this way that we would be living in an entirely different world.

Because if the Christians cannot show the way - lead the way - be the example of forgiving each other, then who will be? 

I can pretty much bet you that you can think of at least one person right now, as you read this, that you need to forgive.  You've been witholding forgiveness, playing god!  That's what you're doing!  You are holding a higher standard than God Almighty against them.  

I know exactly the people in my life who have not really forgiven me.  I know this by how they either avoid me, or the "vibe" I feel when around them.  What a shame.  Not for me, but for them!  That they have chosen to disobey the Lord in this.

God does not pick and choose whom He forgives.  He doesn't weigh the severity of the sin.   He.  Freely.  Forgives.  All.  

Just writing those words opens the floodgates of tears for me.  Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus!  Oh the undeserved favor from His loving arms!

Once, I asked the Lord to show me - give me a visual - what His mercy and forgiveness looks like.  He immediately showed me Niagara Falls!  Wow!  I've seen them in person.  They are powerful.  They keep on flowing.  They wash away everything in their path.  There's nothing weak about them!  Nothing hesitant.  

I don't know about you, but that is exactly the kind of forgiveness and mercy I need!  Alleluia!  

If you are holding a grudge - big or small - I urge you to repent.  Forgive.  Just do it!  Lest your sins not be forgiven you.

Oh Lord.  Forgiveness is Christianity 101.  Yet throughout my life, I have witnessed more unforgiving Christians than forgiving. Maybe I've met the wrong ones!  All I know is what I've experienced.  I thank You and praise You, Lord Jesus, that You ALWAYS forgive me - like the neverending flow of Niagara Falls.  May I always forgive others as You forgive me, Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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