Getting around to forgiving others

Are you holding another's sins against him or her?  How long have you held that grudge?  Do you think it is serving you?  In your mind, has it punished your offender, this withholding of mercy?

How does God forgive us?  When we seek Him for His mercy and grace, He delivers forgiveness.  Immediately.  The thought of God holding a grudge against us is unfathomable.  He promises to forgive us if we confess our sins to Him and ask His forgiveness.

We, however, being wiser than God (sarcasm) withhold forgiveness toward others because they don't "deserve" it.  And we do deserve it?!

There are countless Christians roaming this earth with the sludge of unforgiveness in their hearts.  How can they fully follow Christ with a darkened heart?

If you are in that camp of those who refuse to forgive, please know that it is harming you more than it is your offender.

Years ago, while undergoing chemo treatments, I was on the phone with one of the many providers I had at that time.  It was a business call, I can't remember the details - she wasn't one of my doctors, but a perfect stranger.  At one point, I felt led (still not sure if it was the chemo brain or the Holy Spirit!) to say to her, "Forgive him."  Dead silence.  I felt her "knowing," her being called out on what she had been carrying for God only knows how long, felt the vibe through the speakerphone.  I'm pretty sure it was the Holy Spirit leading me, but when you have that chemo poison running through your body, you can think a little crazy.  Either way, I'm glad I said it.  It didn't feel strange or weird, though it should have. After all, I didn't know her at all and it was a business, not a personal call.  

She never did respond, but I can only hope that she took the advice that God spoke to her through me that day.

What say you?  Do you really want God to forgive you in the same manner that you forgive others?  Do you want Him to hold your sins against you?  I'm guessing not.

I've written many other blog entries on this subject of forgiveness, but it never gets old, and it is always needed.  We shouldn't need reminding on such a basic tenet of our faith.  And yet.

Maybe we need to ask God just how much, how deeply, and how often He has forgiven us.  It's not that He's keeping score, because once we belong to Him, are sins are tossed into the deepest sea, never to be retrieved by Him.  What grace!  What undeserved favor!  But He can still convict us and gently remind us just how often He has forgiven us.  Our job is to pass on that grace, mercy, and forgiveness on to others. 

What are you waiting for?  Maybe you think you need an apology from your offender.  Have you apologized to God for every wrong you've ever done?  We are simply without excuse when it comes to reasons why we do not forgive others.  

You may even need to forgive yourself.  

Best weight loss program ever.  Just do it.  You will feel the weight lifted from you.

Oh Lord.  Thank You for Your lavish grace and forgiveness toward us, undeserved as it is.  Please help us forgive others in the same way - immediately, never to bring up the offense again.  Oh what peace we forfeit when we hold on to grudges!  What unnecessary, petty sorrow. May we always choose the high road and forgive others.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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