Knowing your purpose

A purpose is more than a goal or a 5-year plan.  There is a greater, overarching, life purpose that God has for each and every one of us that needs to take precedence if we are to find any meaning in life at all.

To know God.

But how? you may ask. 

Bible study is definitely one way.  After all, it is God's book and revelation of Himself to us.  We see how He chose the Jews to be His own people in the Old Testament.  What did He choose them for?  To be His own.  That they might know Him.

Then, we see God send His only begotten Son, Jesus, in the New Testament.  We see God's endless grace and mercy poured out toward us through Jesus.  Now, we too, along with the Jews, are called to know God.  As we come to know Christ, He grafts us into the true Vine - Himself.  We are now part of His family.

He sets a course for our lives once we belong to Him.  It may look nothing like we'd imagined for ourselves in our own, limited minds.  But it is the best possible path because He sets it!  

The path includes dying to self, pain, suffering, being misunderstood, and even persecution at some level.  

But - and this is a big but - His path also includes unwavering hope, eternal life, unimaginable joy, the fullness of His love, security, spiritual wealth, peace of mind, and the list of benefits goes on and on when we belong to Christ.  

So His path is not immune to suffering, but along the journey, we have Him with us, never to leave us or forsake us - as our Guide, Hope, Counselor, Advocate, Friend, Redeemer, covering, protection, grace, love, joy, anointing - again, the list goes on and on!

His benefits far outweigh the trials and tribulations.  This is something we must always remember.

As we get to know Him, we learn that He is completely trustworthy.  He wants our best.  He knows exactly what He is doing.  His plans are higher and better than any plan we could conceive on our own.  And we are to obey Him fully in all things.  We get to know Him better as we obey Him!

So you see, you can fashion any purpose you want in life - God has given us free will!  But the utmost plan and purpose belongs to God.  Don't you want to be a part of that adventure?!  I mean God!  Our Creator includes us in His plan!  He didn't have to - He's God!  But He wants to partner with us.  Mind blowing, if you ask me.  

He invites us to take part in His redeeming work in the world, shouting there IS a better way!  There IS a hope you can hang your hat on (horrible analogy, I know)!  There IS a greater purpose for your life than just making a buck or "getting ahead" or watching out for "#1."  

And the beauty of it all is that our lives do not end here!  I mean, really.  You can accomplish much in an earthly lifetime.  But then what?!  God made us to live forever!  Alleluia!  So we will have an endless eternity in which to fulfill His purpose for us.  We will have plenty to do in the new heaven and earth!  It's not just playing harps!  Ha!

So set your minds on things above, indeed!  Because this world, our lives, are fading fast - but a breath, really.  The older we get, the more we realize just how fast it all moves along.  

Take heart!  Have hope!  Know your highest purpose is to know God!  Be filled with His joy and His will and life takes on a whole new meaning.  Beyond any pandemic.  Beyond any catastrophic event that takes place in this life, there lies hope, purpose, and truth.  And it is found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Look no further!

If you are reading this, then He is calling you into a relationship with Himself by being born again.  If you already think you know Him, then know Him even more!  Be devoted to Him on a deeper level.  Invest in your relationship with Him and watch your life unfold into something beautiful.

Dear Lord, thank You a million times over that we can know You!  You!  The God of the universe and beyond!  You stoop down and let us know You intimately, as a friend.  Wow!  What a privilege!  Help us know you better and more each day, Lord, for then we will live out our highest and truest purpose.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen!


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