God's purpose for us

Dearest one, your purpose is to know Me. 

All other accomplishments are temporary.

Those who accomplish much without knowing Me are not fulfilling their true purpose.  

Don't forget that I do not "keep score" as the world does.  I look at one thing and one thing only.  Your heart.

I know what and who is on the throne of your heart every minute of every day.

And when worries, cares, projects, idols, people, etc., take My place on the throne of your heart, you are not in your truest purpose.

When you allow Me to rule completely - over your mind, will, emotions - and live in your heart fully, that is when you are fulfilling My great purpose for you.

Out of that comes real and lasting fruit.

It may not evolve into temporarl fruit, but that is not your aim anyway.

Eternity.  Eternal rewards.  Lasting treasures.  These are yours when you keep Me as your Center.

Plus, you have My peace as a sign of My approval of you, My Presence in and around you giving you all you need.

Most are putting the cart before the horse - including those who say they belong to Me.  They put earthly treasures, pleasures, and goals before Me.  They can accomplish much this way.  But their rewards are paid in full here, not eternally.  

Knowing Me, letting Me have full sway in you, and keeping your eyes set on eternity - these are where your true purpose lies. 

This takes courage because you don't see all the fruit of your obedience here and now.  

But though the vision tarries, wait for it!

I am entrusting you with this, My beloved.  To know Me, to keep knowing Me, to put Me first and keep Me as Head over your life.  Therein lies your identity and your purpose.  My purpose for you!

All the rest is passing and fading.

I love you, dear one.  It will all be worth it!



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