Who needs religion?!

You will eventually despise and resent religion.  Why?  Because no one can keep the ten commandments fully. No one can keep manmade laws perfectly.  Religion places an impossibly heavy burden on you that you cannot carry, so of course you give up!  

That is why you need to discern between religion and having a relationship with Christ.  Never the twain shall meet.

It's kind of hard to wrap your brain around because Christ is intertwined with Christianity, a religion.

But Christ came to set the captives free.  Now mind you, He still would have us obey the law but He knows that we cannot in and of ourselves; not the way that we need to.

He knows that we could never earn our salvation.  He is our Redeemer.

If your pride dictates that you still try to be a "good" person, and do the "best" you can, good luck.  You may pull it off to a degree, even win the compliments of people, but it just won't cut it on Judgment Day!

We. All. Need.  A.  Savior. 

Jesus is the only Savior.

Ergo, we need Jesus.

I love, love, love how Jesus did not come to earth in pomp and circumstance. How much lower can you get than a stable?  

I love that Jesus was not about fixing this broken world, as His people were expecting Him to, but is all about His forever Kingdom which is not of this world.

I love how Jesus didn't let the hypocrisy and name-calling from His enemies, the relgious leaders (!), change Him! 

I love how Jesus is Lord and yet He let His enemies think that they had "won" by crucifying Him.  Little did they know.  They knew nothing, really.

He had to die for our sins in order that we could live.  If that doesn't blow your mind, nothing will.

Say goodbye to your religion and enter into a love relationship with Christ.  It is a relationship where:

- He always wins
- He always knows best
- He has veto rights
- He leads the way (we follow)
- He calls the shots (we don't)
- His love is so overpowering, deep, and rich that He will ruin all other loves for you (no comparison)
- He will lead you to places you don't want to go in order to reach others for Him
- He keeps track of every tear you cry for His sake and saves them in a bottle
- He comforts you
- He stays by your side no matter what
- He tells You secret things
- He withholds seemingly "good" things from you because He doesn't want to see you ruined
- He imparts perfect wisdom
- He gives you perfect peace
- He protects you
- He heals you
- He surprises you
- He is patient with you
- He puts up with you
- He longs for intimacy with you
- He defends you

Oh how this list goes on and on, the benefits, the undeserved riches of knowing Christ.

So you see, knowing God truly has little to do with religion in the sense of rule-keeping, rituals, and the like. Although the paradox is that when you allow Him to rule in your heart, mind, and life, you will keep the rules!  And that is only because it is Him living His life through you.

Can you stand not getting any credit for any good you do?  Can you forego man's praises?  Can you stand the opposite - being hated by others for His sake?

Do you know how short life is and how nothing else matters save knowing Him, doing His will, and clinging only to Him?

I promise you this.  You will never, no never, find anyone else to love you like Jesus does.  You will never, no never, find a better purpose than knowing Him.  Something will always be missing in your life if you don't know Him.

I pray that you give up your religion, whatever it is, and instead follow Christ.  There will be much heartache along the way, I won't lie to you.  But heartaches are a part of life anyway, it's just that the other coping mechanisms fall short.  Jesus is more than a coping mechanism!  Jesus is Lord.  He can be no less because He is no less.  And He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory. 

Oh won't you come to the cross and lay down your burdens?  He is waiting for you.

Oh dear Lord.  There is most decidedly a cost to belonging to You.  We are not of this world, only in it - and that for but a breath.  Thank You so very much, Lord, that following You is not a rule-keeping endeavor, but a love-to-end-all-loves relationship.  Now that is worth living for, worth dying for.  Thank You for making a way to God for us by Your costly sacrifice on the cross.  For there is no other way that we can be saved but through You.  As the days get darker and evil more rampant, let us go deeper with You, sweet Lord.  Oh how I love You, my Savior and Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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