The heart of the matter

All the laws in the world do not have the power to change the human heart. Oh there may be outward compliance, but that is no indication of what is going on in the heart.

Think about wearing a mask during this pandemic.  Did you ever once feel like wearing a mask when you went out?  Probably not.  I know I didn't. 

Do we always feel like doing what is right?  In today's world, do we even know right from wrong any more?  I mean, what the Bible calls sin has become acceptable in our society.  

Only Christ can change the human heart.  And that is not done from the outside-in.

When we are born again, Jesus comes to live in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.  That is how He is able to change us from the inside out.  

As far as I have experienced, there is no other route to genuine change.  No self-help, no striving or trying to "be good" can change the heart of the matter.  Doing the right thing outwardly can be done by just about anyone.  But the Lord is after our hearts.  Our motives.  Our desires.

Which of us can stand in the face of this?!  None of us!  None of us, that is, without the help, power, and grace of God living inside of us.

So why don't Christians always do the right thing from a right heart?  It's a battle!  The ability to choose right not just outwardly but inwardly is now possible for us through Christ!  But we still have to choose the right.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!  Is that an excuse?  No, just the way it is.

As we let the Lord transform us into His image, as we let Him change our hearts, then our behavior, attitudes, and viewpoints will change, too.  Not just for the better, but thoroughly made pure.  

We are to grow up in all things in Christ.  It takes time to become a new creature, conformed and transformed.  But as we cooperate with His Spirit in us, He will change us from the inside out.  

This is our hope.  This is our privilege.  And if we are truly on board with this, we will spread Christ to those around us, be a true witness of His love and grace, and fulfill our true purpose in life.  


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