Your purpose

Everyone wants to know why they were born, for what purpose.  Most see their purpose as a job to do, an assignment to complete, or a role to play.  But these are the outcome of a deeper purpose.

We were made for God.  And if we are carrying out any sort of purpose, no matter how grand or "famous," which excludes Him, without knowing Him, it is of no import at all in the end.

Our truest purpose is to know God.  He wants to be known by us!  Can He ever be fully known this side of eternity?  No.  But we can get to know Him as much as is possible for now until we see Him in all of His glory and splendor and majesty and power.

Why is getting to know God so very crucial?  Because that is our purpose!  We find ouselves in His Presence.  We are found.  We finally know true peace, love, joy, and contentment because we know Him.

And out of that connection, that seeking Him daily, flows His living water from us that will nourish those around us, in whatever sphere of influence He has deemed appropriate for us.  How far the water reaches, we will never know this side of heaven.  We're not supposed to know.  

The main thing is that we maintain the connection!  That is our purpose!  For truly apart from Him we can do nothing.

Why would Jesus say such a thing?  Billions of folks live their entire lives without knowing God and accomplish much on this earth.  But!  But if they don't know Jesus, then they have not fulfilled their true purpose.  

Think Eden.  God gave Adam and Eve a garden to cultivate and tend.  They were in God's Presence continually, in a bliss that we only know in part but won't know fully again until He returns.

Adam and Eve didn't have to strive to know God because He was already there!  As long as they obeyed Him, all was well.  They had everything they could possibly want or need because God created a perfect world for them.

But we all know it didn't end well!  Once they disobeyed God, and instead believed the lies of the devil, paradise was lost; at least for a while.

And I see the history of mankind as trying to rebuild and reclaim that paradise, but only partially because no matter how lovely the setting - a Caribbean island, for example - sin still exists.  There is always the threat of a hurricane, or what have you.  And our consciences know this full well, even if we try to deny it and live as if it were paradise here and now.

But God will restore paradise and then some!  Alleluia for this truth!  We are all hurling through time until time ends when Jesus restores a new heaven and new earth which will be paradies without end - the way it was originally intended back in the Garden.

What does all othis have to do with our purpose?  We want to be ready!  We want to be prepared, in practice!  We can know that sort of bliss here and now via our relationship with Christ.  Albeit, it is but a foretaste and a glimpse for now.  

But whenever I sense God's love for me, His Presence in my heart and life, I am tasting this bit of heaven here and now - and it makes me hungry for more.  More of Him.  More of paradise.  More of everything that we were truly meant for - our purpose.

This is not pie in the sky.  I am painfully aware of the condition of the world we live in.  But when we are left with little to look forward to in this life - even atheists agree that the world is winding down; the natural resources, the increasing intensity of the weather patterns, etc. - when we belong to Christ we have so much to look forward to!  He wants our hope fixed securely on Him, which is part of our purpose, because He is where it's at!  Knowing Him, loving Him, living for Him - if we're not living these out, we are not living out our purpose. 

Yes, there is work to be done here and now!  Of course!  But Jesus came as King and His Kingdom is not of this world.  His Kingdom will have no end!  That is our glorious future in Christ!  Yeehah!

When we stay connected to Him, make knowing Him our #1 priority, we will build His everlasting Kingdom because out of us flows living water, remember?  Others will, or should, sense God's Presence in and about us.  We should make others hungry for God!

So don't let's put the cart before the horse.  Don't let's make it about "good works" without truly knowing Him.  The order is:  knowing God, then doing the works He has for us to do.  But let's please don't make it about outer "accomplishments" as the world does.  This world is not our home.  Heaven is our Home.

This requires a relinquishing, a surrender.  Is it easy for you to sit and be still before God?  How can we get to know anyone without listening to them?!

He has so much more for us!  And that so much more is Himself.  He wants to give us Himself.  I can't even type these words without being in utter amazement of His gracious offer to us.  We can know God!

So next time you are wondering what your purpose is, don't listen to the ways of the world - or even to well-meaning Christians, some of them.  

Knowing God is your purpose.  Oh, and this will include suffering for Him.  You will identify with Him in your suffering.  And that is ok because there is no better out there with whom to identify.  

Give it all up!  Let it all go!  Come and follow the Lover of your soul who wants to be known by you!

Dear Lord, how lovely is Your dwelling place.  Thank You for the promise of Your Kingdom!  Thank You that this fallen, broken world is not the end!  Oh that we may know You more and more, for that is when we are living in our purpose.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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