The Promised Land is a mindset

This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I had a revelation.  I feel like I may have already known this on some level, but it became clearer to me.

The revelation is that I do not have to wait for a location or place to "enter in" to the Promised Land.  Yes, Joshua and Caleb entered a physical, literal land.  

But I believe that our "wilderness" is not always due to our circumstances, no matter how abysmal.  I believe we can know and live out God's promises for us anywhere and in so doing, we "leave" the wilderness and enter in to His bounty.

That's what the Promised Land was - it was rich agriculturally, filled with life.

This is more than "positive thinking."  So much more!

This is taking each promise that the Lord has given us in His Word and actually believing them!

Did you know that you can know something without really believing it?  I know plenty of Bible verses by heart, but when I live in doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, and the like, I am basically discounting those very promises!  I know them, but do I believe them?

The moment I start believing them - even if my situation has not changed - is the moment I "enter" the Promised Land!

I also believe this is more than "name it, claim it" stuff.  It's like they are there just waiting to be believed!  The land that God provided for the Israelites, which, by the way, they did not enter into out of fear(!), was there in front of them.  They could see it!  But they didn't take the steps necessary to go in!

We "go in" to the Promised Land each time we believe God's promises to us.

For example, "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

I am healed because by His stripes I am healed. Isaiah 53:5

I cast my cares on Him for He cares for me. I Peter 5:7

When we "step into" these promises by faith - believe them whether we "feel" like it or not - we live in abundance.  Our internal lives flow with milk and honey.

Even as I type these words, I feel more like the Israelites than Joshua or Caleb!  I find myself doubting.  

When you get in the habit of doubt or fear, I believe that it's going to take some work to break the habit!  It's like any other habit we form - they just don't go away overnight.  

Yes, God can work miracles overnight!  And He indeed sets us free.  But we have to do our part by believing.

Jesus did not perform miracles in towns where they did not believe.  Time and time again Jesus says, "Your faith has made you well."  Jesus puts a lot of faith in faith!

Of course our faith is in Him, not in faith itself.  But whenever He asked someone, "What can I do for you?" and they told Him what they wanted, He said to them, "Go.  Your faith has made you well."  This is mindblowing to me!!!

It's like He was saying, Go on your merry way because since you have believed that I could heal you, deliver you, set you free, etc, etc., you are!

So it stands to reason that when we don't believe Him that we will not receive the provision, the answer to what we want.

But what happens when you just can't believe?  How do you muster up your faith?  I suppose we can pray like the father in Mark 9:24 who asked Jesus to deliever his son from a demonic spirit:  "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

Jesus still answered the man's request!

It's like admitting that we have faith, but we need more, is acceptable to God.  The man was asking Jesus to do the impossible.  That's when we get into trouble - when we see things as the impossibility that they are and stop there.

But Jesus is in the business of doing the impossible every day!  

Because we are weak, and maybe more beaten down from the past two years' worth of this pandemic and its huge aftereffects, perhaps our faith has taken a beating, too.  

God totally understands.

Remember, He comforts us in all our troubles. (2 Corinthians 1:4).  And sometimes, our beaten down faith is our trouble!

So we go in and out of our Promised Land, don't we?  One day boldly believing and entering in, living with abundant peace and good thoughts, and the next wallowing in self-pity, or doubt, or fear, or what have you.

One day, by the grace and undeserved mercy from our God, we will enter the Promised Land forever!  But for now, we choose daily where we will "live."  I pray for grace to live more in the promises than out.

Oh Lord.  Some days are tough.  Some days beat us down like waves crashing on the rocks, and we are left feeling beaten down.  But then!  We come back to Your steadfast and everlasting promises and have hope again.  Please help us live more and more in Your Promised Land that is filled with love, hope, joy, peace, plenty, power, healing, and all good things.  Bring us out of our wilderness mentality, O God, and help us overcome our unbelief.  Thank You for Your wonderful promises, Lord!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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