Why we overcome
We overcome to teach others how to overcome.
We are to share the ways that God has empowered us to overcome any or all of the following:
bad attitudes
pain and suffering
spiritual battles
The list is endless!
I don't believe there is one way - one catchall "help" for everyone. I believe that the Lord's path for each of us is unique, and therefore the way in which He empowers us to overcome is unique to each of us. He overcomes through us in the power of His Holy Spirit. But how we pray, how we worship, how we battle - each are unique to each of us.
But all of us, at one point or another, have experienced one, more, or all of the things on this list. Our problems are universal.
How have you overcome these problems? That is what makes you you. Gideon fought his battle God's way - which made no sense in the natural - and won! David only needed one small stone. Joseph's battle took fourteen years or more to win, and he did so through perseverance and believing God. Esther risked her own life for the sake of her people and won for them. Daniel slept among lions! Battles all are these.
If we don't persevere, we will never flesh out God's intended purpose and destiny for our lives.
My motives are to do more for God, to be more fully used by Him. This is hard! Why? Because so many of the items on my list here above came about precisely because I was following God!
This is true for anyone who wants to do God's will instead of his or her own. There. Will. Be. Opposition.
The enemy never sits back and leaves us alone when we are on God's track. He will do all in his power (limited) to stop, thwart, and even destroy us. Remember, Satan fell from heaven due to his pride - his wanting to be as God. What an idiot! He was there! He was in God's blissful, glorious Presence! He had to know somewhere in his mind that he could never be God! Yet he deluded himself and that has been his modus operandi ever since - he deluded himself and his aim is to delude others and take them to hell with himself by making them believe the lie that they can be "as God!" By lying to them that they don't need God!
Hence, the battle!
The battle in our own souls to fight against thinking that we don't need God. Don't fall for it!
The battle to make God known as He truly is - Lord of all! - with the devil hating God's superiority at every turn, is intense. The devil wants adulation - as God alone rightfully deserves. The devil wants control - as God alone absolutely has. The devil is a wannabe in the lowest form! But he exalts himself up to be more than he really is. In short, he is a liar.
Am I digressing?
I am explaining but one of the facets that we must overcome in life if we are to live for God, accomplish His will in our lives, and be victorious as He is!
Jesus already won! He defeated Satan on the cross and by His resurrection from the dead. As Christians, we are in Him, so we, too, are the victors!
If we don't know this 100%, we will somewhere along the line be duped by the enemy.
God overcame, ergo, we overcome in Him.
God rules and reigns forevermore - the devil's "reign" will end, alleluia!
Every villainous movie ever made is a battle between good and evil - they just neglect to tell what is behind that battle. God is the good. Satan is the evil.
Why is this important to know? Can you imagine any country going to war if they don't know against whom they are fighting?! No!
Just as in real-life, physical warfare, we must know the enemy that we are fighting!
The devil's plans are crafty, subtle, and sneaky. Therefore, they are not always so easily perceived.
But with God's help, His Holy Spirit helping us to discern, we can know what's what!
Then, we teach others to know what's what! And together, we overcome!
My path of overcoming is mine! But it can help others overcome, too.
The devil wants to keep us in that battle mode, never moving forward, moving on. Each battle can leave us worn and weary. But that is when we must press on to overcome, to know who we are in Christ, to persevere!
We overcome because greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world! (I John 4:4)
We overcome with each promise of the Bible that assures us who we are in Him, who God is, and who really wins!
We overcome because the battle is worth fighting because we have The General in charge of our lives to Whom we report and submit!
The Bible - both Old and New Testaments - is full of battles and wars! That's just a part of life in our fallen state. It's nice to chant "peace on earth" but we should know by now that it ain't happening - that is, not until Christ comes to rule! Then, and only then, will we experience true peace on earth.
In the meantime (!), life is a battle - one that we must wage knowing that we are on the winning side.
Imagine going into WWII, or any war, already knowing that you won!! Well, we know! And it's more than just "claiming" it, it is fighting it until it is won!
Is your life peaceful and battle-free? Then I assure you, you are not fully living for Christ and His Kingdom. The Lord never promised us a trouble-free life. Yes, He promises His peace to us, alleluia! But He also tells us that we will have trouble! He doesn't promise something as paltry and fleeting as the American Dream! He promises us VICTORY!!! He promises us that He has already overcome the world!
Oh Lord. Your ways are marvelous. Life is a battle, but when we belong to You, we can and will overcome! Help us stand strong. Help us when we are weary and worn. Help us to persevere and never give up! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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