The big buzzword of our day

The big buzzword these days is "toxic."  Everyone is supposedly toxic or knows someone who is toxic.  Our workplaces, we are told, are toxic.  Our relationships are toxic.  Where is all of this poison coming from?!  And did it always exist?

We have become so hyper aware of other's issues, and the issues of our day, that we carry loads we were never meant to carry.

Now I know that it is easier said than done to not let said issues get under our skin.  

If we truly believe what the "experts" say about toxicity and its prevalence, then where are we supposed to go to escape it?!  I mean if it is everywhere, then what's a girl to do?

Get with God.

I know. I'm a broken record.  My solution is always to go to God.  But that's because He is the only One who has the solutions!  

When we take time to get into God's Word about life, our situations, emotions, other's issues, and our own issues (which, let's face it, are really a matter of sin), we come away refreshed, renewed, with a much better perspective on things.

Bottom line: we will never, never, not in a zillion years, be able to heal the toxicity in another human being. Only the Lord can change a human heart. 

As Christians, we may think our prayers have the power to change another.  And God can and does use our prayers in the lives of others.  But the caveat is always the other person’s free will.

It is man's greatest gift and, in a sense, greatest curse.  Why?  Because look around you how "free will" is abused in society, our culture, in our homes, in the world. 

Good ol' Eve wanted to know both good and evil, and all of mankind has been paying the price ever since.

Both she and Adam had all they could ever want in life to be fulfilled.  They were in a sort of bliss or heaven right there in Eden.  They had each other, food, a brand new untainted earth/environment, and most and best of all, perfect communion with their Creator.  God Himself.

But I digress.

As long as we're stuck in this earthsuit, there will always be a battle to fight somewhere.  Either within ourselves, with the devil, in the world, etc., etc.

Enter love.

We are commanded by God to love one another, not necessarily like one another.  

And therein lies the most confusion.  Most who say they "love" someone usually mean they like them, they enjoy them.  Love is a whole other kettle of fish.

What happens when that person you "like" offends you or rejects you out of their own toxicity?  How much do you "like" them then?

This is why we need to have something grander, deeper, and never-failing like love.  If love covers over a multitude of sins, and toxicity is a sin, then love covers over toxicity!

This does not mean that we excuse evil in others, or stick around for their abuse.  But God knows which relationships He has ordained in our lives for our good.  And not all of those things for our good appear good!  

So when we must live with toxic situations and deal with toxic people, let us not dwell there.  Let us not give in to the abnormal behavior around us, however prevalent it may be!

We have more than a coping mechanism in Christ Jesus.  We have an all-powerful, ever-conquering power in the Person of the Holy Spirit living inside of us.  It is the power to love.  The power to forgive.  The power to overlook an offense.  The power to focus on the unseen rather than the seen.  The power to overcome with His strength inside us.

Will we still have toxic situations and people in our lives?  Yes.  Not until we get to heaven will we know that perfect Eden kind of bliss down here.  Oh yes, and the Millennial reign of Christ.  All wil be well here on earth then.  So hard to imagine, I know!  But when Christ rules, there is peace in the world.  

So we have two times to look forward to as Christians:  the Millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, and heaven itself.  Alleluia!

Keeping our eyes on Jesus, we can not only endure and "put up with" the sinful behavior of others (what we now called "toxicity"), but have peace in the midst of it.

I'm not saying it is easy.  But it is possible!

We focus too much on the buzzwords of our day.  When we know Jesus, we have Scripture to focus on instead.  There is such power in the Word of God just waiting for us to tap into.  It takes discipline.  Discipline of the mind, discipline in our daily practice of actually reading it!  And discipline to not give in to the idiocy around us. 

Who do you think is behind all of that toxic behavior?  The devil, that's who!  When we see it in that light, we know that God has the upper hand (no contest!) and that as long as we keep our mind stayed on Him, we are safe from the toxic stuff around us and in our world.

We are in this for the long haul, friends.  I wish I could tell you that things are going to get better.  But I believe absolutely in the Word of God, and Jesus tells us that in the end times, things are going to get worse.  Much worse.

So let's gird out loins!  Let's grow up!  Let's remember Who is on our side and Who resides in us and overcome it all in His grace and power.  Press on, dear ones!

Oh Lord.  It is hard to ignore the chaos we see around us.  It takes its toll on our souls.  But thankfully, we have You and all that You are to guide, help, and heal us from it all.  Please, Lord, help us all be healed and made well by Your love and grace in our lives, so that none of us need ever fall prey to toxicity (sin and evil!). For You are the Conqueror of sin and evil, Lord Jesus.  You are the Victor!  Alleluia!  Give us the grace to focus on You, Your Kingdom, and the awesome future that awaits us in Your Presence, O God.  And in the meantime, may we rise above and overcome by Your power working in us!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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