Waiting on God, waiting for God

How many of us truly wait on God simply just to get closer to Him?  Usually, our daily to-do lists and other distractions tug so strongly on us that we can't sit still for anyone for too long - even God.  And everything claiming to make our lives easier - technology - has only complicated them and made for the most distracted people ever!

What or who has a hold on us?  This is an important question to ask ourselves if we really want to know God more deeply and experientially.

Waiting on God brings so many rewards.  We feel His peace.  We experience His love.  We can truly listen to what He is speaking to our hearts.  There is no other relationship like it!

And yet when my concerns and worries crowd in, I find myself seeking Him more for His answers, His provision, His deliverance than I do for Him.

This can happen when a long-unanswered prayer has been gnawing at us.  Oh we let it go as best we can.  And we persevere in prayer about the matter.  But even this kind of prayer can cause more anxiety than closeness to Jesus.

I have found that it takes a willingness to surrender to God if I want to get to that place of intimacy with Him.  That place where I can just let go, relax, rest, and truly trust Him to answer all of my prayers and take care of that which concerns me.  

Do I want to be so carefree that I never come to Him with another worry or request but simply trust that He knows?  

I think He enjoys hearing from us either way.

He knows that He is the only one who can heal and deliver, restore and provide, when our limited resources run dry or just aren't powerful enough.

But when we wait on Him just for Him, just to be with Him, I feel that that is where the true gold lies.

Remember, Jesus told Mary that she did the better part by just sitting at His feet and being with Him.  Martha was probably a nervous wreck!  Doing, doing, doing.  (see Luke 10:38-42)

I can be both Mary and Martha.  I am much more at peace when I am Mary.  No fuss.  No muss.

Life hands me enough stress and such.  Do I really need to still be that way around Jesus, too?  Is it carryover from bad habits of always needing to be "on" all the time?  Always be doing?

We are being robbed when we don't take the time - however long it takes! - to just wait on the Lord.  Wait for Him, for His company and fellowship.  Have we taken for granted what a privilege this is?!?!  

The Creator of the universe deigns to be close to me, spend time with me - wants to spend time with me!  How do I dare take this for granted?

Yes, He loves acting on our behalf, answering our prayers in ways that benefit us and bring Him glory.

But when we wait on Him to enter His Presence, He is especially pleased.  He is supremely self-sufficient, yet He desires our fellowship!  

Do you know the Lord in this way?  If not, you are missing out on the best relationship you will ever have.  

Dear Lord.  We are all so needy in different ways.  We look to You for answers that only You can give.  Thank You that we can come to You in this way and then wait for Your answers and provision.  But also please remind us that when we wait on You just for You, we are more blessed than we could ever imagine - even with unanswered prayers still evident.  All problems and worries dissipate in the warm love of Your Presence.  We relax there because we become more aware of how wonderful You are.  Everything takes its proper place when I am in Your Presence.  I worry for naught - I know this when I am with You.  So Lord, I pray for Your people around the world, that they would seek You and wait on You more for You than any other reason.  Just to be in Your sweet Presence.  And may we never take that awesome privilege for granted, dear Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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