How to know who to follow

We live in an age of followers.  Who are you "following" on social media?  Are you an "influencer" or a "follower?"

Our culture talks about following so many different things and people.  Unless you're grounded in what really matters, it can get confusing out there.

Here are just a few misleading suggestions:

Follow your heart.
Follow your passion.
Follow your dreams.
Follow only the hippest and coolest people on social media.
Follow the stock market.
Follow the trends.
Follow success.

But each and every one of these is precarious.  None of them are firm foundations.  How is this so?  Because each and every one of them is changeable.  They are not secure.

So why are we told over and over to "follow" such shifting shadows?

Because that's all the world has to offer.  Empty promises.  No-good claims.  Instability.  None of these have the power to really meet your deepest needs.

None of us are meant to walk through life alone.  We were created for fellowship with our Creator - the only One truly worth following.

I don't mean to follow a creed or a set of rules or a religion.

I'm talking about a peronal relationship with God found in Christ Jesus the Lord.

When we follow Him, things may not turn out as we'd hoped or planned.  And you know what?  That's ok.

I'd rather be on the path with Jesus, and sometimes suffer as a result, than be on any other path without Him.

Because for all of the trials He brings me through - and they are numerous and seemingly neverending - I still wouldn't trade my connection with Him for anything or anyone else.

Who else can provide for me like Jesus?  Who else can fill my soul with peace, love, and joy like Jesus?  No one and nothing. 

So why would I follow anyone or anything else?

Make no mistake.  There is a cost to follow Jesus.

You need very long-term vision in order to not give up.  Beyond this life.  You need to realize that you are living for eternity.

You need to realize that not all rewards are handed out here and now.  Oh there are blessings along the way.  But the greatest blessing will always be Christ's Presence wih you.  Why?  Because that is the only thing that lasts.  That is the only thing that is consistent.  24/7.  Forever.

You need to remember that most of your rewards will be handed to you in the next life.  Does this bother you or excite you?  Don't want to wait that long?!

But just think!  There in heaven - in the new heaven and the new earth - your rewards can never perish or fade!  They cannot be stolen from you!  Can you say that about any earthly reward?

And even if there were no rewards (but there are!), Jesus is still worth following.  Jesus Himself is our best Reward.  Always.

Dear Lord.  Thank You that when I follow You, I can rest assured that I am on the right path.  Thank You that You are totally trustworthy and therefore the only One worthy of following.  When I stray, bring me right back, Lord.  For when I follow You, all is well within me.  In Jesus' Name  Amen.


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