The Bizarro World of a Christian

You’d think that if God wanted you to become more loving, He would place you around those who are easy to love. Nope. Just the opposite.

Welcome to the Bizarro World of following Jesus Christ!

When the Lord wants to work in us to love others in the same way that He loves, He puts the most ogre-like people around us.

Why does He do this? Because the kind of love that Jesus wants us to give others is unlike the world’s love.

Most anyone can love those who love them. 

Jesus commands that we love our enemies, those who mistreat us, those we just don’t like.

This is a fine line because we are not to hang around those who do evil.  Yet when the Lord arranges our parameters, which He does, so that we are face to face with horrific sorts day after day, it can pan out one of a few ways.

We can become embittered.  Or we can do everything we can to avoid the beasts.  Or we can let God love them through us.

“Forgive her as if it never happened; like I forgive you.”

Whatever God commands us to do is possible through His power in us.

So when He commands us to love and pray for our enemies, we are set free as we obey Him.

This is one of the ways that God works in our hearts to be more like Him.

Ask God to redeem your bad memories.  Ask Him to do the impossible through you.  Believe that He will do it.  When He knows that you want to please Him above all else, He comes through for you in miraculous ways.

Remember that God is not going to hold you accountable for how others treated you.  But we are accountable to how we treat others.  

Do not take ogre-like behavior of others personally.  When others mistreat you, there is something wrong with them, not you!  And remember that Jesus was constantly bombarded with those who threatened His very life.  Yet Jesus left it all in His Father's hands and went about doing the works His Father had for Him to do.

So it is possible to move forward, move on, and fulfill God's calling on your life even amidst the antagonists!

This can be precisely the sign that you are in the center of His will - when there is antagonism toward you.  Remember that the devil attacks those whom God is using for God's Kingdom.  It is a battle.  But the battle is won every time we refuse to give into anger, bitterness, or retaliation.  Yes, Christians are just as susceptible to these traits if they do not stay close to God and commit to obeying Him no matter what.

So expect that there will be opposition to you when you do God's will, when your character reflects His character.  Do not be surprised by it!

But the antidote is always love.  Love and more love.  When we love those who mistreat us, we are becoming the people God intended us to be in Christ.

Let the transforming power of God empower you to learn what love is by loving those who mistreat you.

Dear Lord.  It makes no sense.  We don't understand why You allow us to be around those who are mean to us.  "Boundaries" are all the rage these days.  Yet You never once spoke about boundaries!  You command us to love and pray for our persecutors.  You command us to turn the other cheek.  You command us to go the extra mile.  These are the bizarro ways of Your true followers!  So help us, Lord, live as You lived.  Empower us to forgive and love.  Empower us to rise above.  Empower us to set the example to a world that is so desperate for real love.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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