Admit defeat and win!

Admit defeat and win?! That statement doesn’t make sense! Or does it?

When we surrender to God, admit that we cannot win against the spiritual principalities in our own strength, then He comes in and wins for us. That is the only way to victory in the Christian life! 

But first, we must acknowledge that we are no match for the devil, the enemy of our souls, when it comes to spiritual warfare.  That is a job for Christ, for only He is the Victor.

Our Lord made a spectacle of the devil when He died for us on the cross.  Satan was defeated then and there.  Alleluia!

So though the devil is still active in this world (duh), think of him as always trying but never winning.  That is the great deception that he offers the world - that he can still take God’s place.  He is already defeated. But millions around the world do not know this, and that is how he gets into people’s hearts and lives, unknowingly.

So when we admit that we cannot slay our Goliaths, but in the power of the Lord we can, then we aim our slingshot, with our "stones" of the promises of God and His power,  and let ‘er rip!  

The rest is up to God as He proves who is really who.  God is still on the Throne.  God is still all-powerful.  God still wins every time but only if we let Him win!  

We tap into God’s power and He gives us the victory over sin, the flesh, the devil, all deception, and all of our worries, cares, woes, and enemies.

The battle is real and fierce.  Since we live in the End Times, the devil is heating things up, trying to take as many with him into hell before he is finally and forever vanquished.

Hell is real.  But so is heaven!  And the only way to heaven is through the Person of Jesus Christ.  For He told us that He is the way, the life, and the truth and that no one comes to the Father (God) except through Him. Whether or not you believe this, it is still true.

Jesus is truth.  Jesus cannot lie.  Which side do you want to be on?

Jesus is totally trustworthy.  The devil is a liar.

Jesus loves you.  The devil hates you and wants to destroy you.

But here’s the catch.  The devil does not announce his “take over” to you.  He is crafty and sneaky.  He shows up in seemingly “good” ways, like emphasizing your “rights” and lying to you that sin will make your life happier.  Do not fall prey to his wiles!  You will end up sorry, sad, enslaved to sin, and eventually in hell.

People laugh at hell, like it is a made up thing.  But did you know that Jesus spoke of hell more than any other topic when He walked this earth?  

Laugh if you want, but it will be no laughing matter on that day.

The awesome news is that Christ died for you so that you do not have to end up in hell, but so that you can come to God, be saved, and go to heaven when this whole mess is said and done.

In and of ourselves, we have nothing good to offer God.  We just don’t.  All of our deeds are but filthy rags in His sight because He is perfect and holy, and we are not.  Even Mother Theresa acknowledged her desperate need of a Savior.  

So won’t you come to Jesus today?  Your Savior, Your hope, your reason for life and living?  Be delivered from sin today.  Own the power that comes from being in Christ and knowing Him, that will destroy any and all Goliaths in your life.  His power.  His goodness.  His light. His life.  His love.  It’s all in Him!  

Admit you are lost and defeated without Him and He will rescue you.  Your pride is not serving you at all but keeping you in the devil’s playground. 

Surrender, in this case, equals victory!  Surrender to Christ and be filled with peace, joy, love, and all else that He possesses - which is everything wonderful and good and righteous!

Oh Lord.  How we need you!  When we belong to You, we now have an enemy out to destroy us, to try and deceive us.  But alleluia, once we belong to You, he cannot touch us!  Thank You, O God, that like David, we can sling our stones at Goliath and win every time! Help us to always live, know, and walk in this powerful truth.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen!


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