How to be a Christian in the End Times

The End Times are not the same thing as the Last Days.  We've been in the Last Days since Jesus died and rose again.

The End Times include the Great Tribulation and all that leads up to it.  

People throughout the ages have thought, "This is it!  The world is coming to an end!" World events, natural disasters, wars and such have all led people to believe that God's will was coming about in the form of the End Times.

I'm not here to argue the timing of Christ's second coming - His coming before, during, or after the Great Tribulation.  I am here to hopefully help you prepare in case we are facing the End!

Here's a non-exhaustive list of what I think it's going to take to be a true Christian in the End Times:

1. Stay close to Jesus (if you're not saved yet, get saved today!  Ask Jesus into your heart)
2. Pray a lot
3. Understand that as the world gets worse, we are not to despair but know that everything that happens is under God's absolute power, authority, and control - all is going as He planned!
4.Be content with life bever being "life as usual" again
5. Adjust to the new normal by putting your hope in Christ and Heaven and not in anything or anyone else (the government - no matter who's in office - can only do so much!)
6. Be willing to be vocal about your faith - do not fear for your life, reputation, or anything else that is fading fast but speak up for Christ!  People need to hear it whether they think so or not!
7. Ask the Lord how He wants you to keep gathering with the church Body when the church must go underground (yes, I believe this can happen even in the good ol' U.S.A.)
8.  Learn, know, and memorize the Word of God NOW because we may not have access to it later.
9. Stand strong when the mark of the beast comes into play.  At the rate that financial things are changing and evolving (super quickly!), this may be sooner rather than later.  REFUSE THE MARK NO MATTER WHAT!  This is when all buying and selling, instead of happening via a credit card or the like, will become a chip that is inserted either in your forehead or in your hand/wrist.  Your body will be your credit card!  All of that info that is on your phone, computer, financial info, what have you - it will all be placed in the body as a means of "convenience" and the only way that people will be able to buy or sell anything (including food!).  (See Revelation 13:16-18)

This last item is the scariest if you want to save your physical life.  The whole reason why anyone who gets the mark will not go to heaven (but to the other place) is because those who do so are showing that they care more about this fleeting life than the eternal one.  They will be literally fighting for their lives, to keep living here on earth - an earth that no one in their right mind should want to live in any more, the ways things will be and are going!  I hate to sound so dramatic, but I don't make this stuff up!  It's all in the Bible!

We must be serious in our looking forward to the New World, God's Kingdom, more than we look forward to anything happening in our mortal lifetime.    

If you are living for this life, then the End Times will be very disheartening for you, maybe even make you angry because you can't just do what you want any more!

But for those of us who have allowed the Lord to train us for the End Times, we are very excited!  We can't wait to be with the Lord in glory and could leave all this behind in a flash!  Easily!  

We will need to be very, very strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might in the End Times.  Whether they are just up ahead, or we are in them right now, or they are years down the road, I believe we must be prepared - have this mindset - now in order to be ready.

Do not despair!  Do not live in fear!  When you belong to Christ, we are to be fearless in Him!  Even thank Him that He considered us worthy to be alive during this time!

Dear Lord.  You didn't have to reveal through prophecy how it is all going to go down.  Thank You for that gift, O God!  Please help us to see the signs of the times for what they are.  Please prepare us to live out all of these days with our hope firmly fixed on You, dear Lord!  Prepare us to live boldly for You and to see this life for what it is - temporary.  Use us to lead others to You, sweet Jesus, before it is too late.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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