Idolizing our problems

We all do it.  Some may do it less than others, but we still do it nonetheless.  We worship our problems.

Is this too strong a language?  

If we focus on, meditate on, spend time thinking about, and magnify our problems, then yes, we are worshiping them!

As Christians, we know that worshiping anything or anyone else other than Christ only leads to disillusion and heartache.  Worse yet, it is a huge sin.

So how do we make idols of our problems?

We cling to them.  We think about them day and night.  We are consumed by them.

Now this is not 24/7 (hopefully!) and it is not every day.

But it happenes enough to deform our character in those moments.  That is because whatever we behold, we become.

Like most every other sin, at the root of it is lack of trust in God.

If we don't believe that God will help, rescue, deliver, heal, or remove whatever is "getting our goat," then we simply do not trust Him.

Is there any problem too big for God to handle?  

Is your problem financial?  He owns it all!  And He promises to take care of you even more than He does the sparrow or the lilies of the field.

Do you have relational issues?  (who doesn't?!) The Lord is our Wonderful Counsellor ready to dispense with the most perfect wisdom we could ever hope to get.  He will speak to our hearts through His Holy Spirit, His Word, and in any other way that will get through to us(!) in order to help us in this, heal and restore.

I could list a gazillion issues we all face at different seasons in our lives - health, work, family, church, and so on - all of these offer us different problems at different times in our lives.

So the question remains.  Will we continue to idolize each and every problem through complaining, being disgruntled, ingratitude, and such?  Or will we turn our thoughts toward and gaze upon our Heavenly Father and worship Him instead?

Does this sound like a cop-out or escapist to you?  It shouldn't.  Anyone who has gotten lost in His Presence - been enveloped in His deep peace, surrounded by His love and glory - knows that it is the only way to navigate life.  The only way, that is, to maintain our sanity.

It boils down to this.  We were created to worship our Creator.  And when we don't, we suffer.

You can make a change starting right now.  You can choose to leave all your troubles, cares, woes, and strife at the feet of Jesus for Him to handle, heal, and supply.  You do not have to be tortured by your seemingly insurmountable problems and cares of your life.

It works!  Trust me!  I have "mountains" in my life that only the Lord can move for me.  So why not enjoy His Presence and trust Him to do what only He can do?  When I do, I have His peace, comfort, and my soul is at rest instead of in turmoil.  

Just do it, as they say!  Begin worshiping your Savior today instead of your troubles and take His yoke (not the yoke of stress and troubles) upon you and you will find rest for your soul.  

Dear Lord. Thank You that You want to yoke with us, to carry our burdens upon Yourself, so that we can know rest and peace instead of living like the world in chaos.  Help us to leave all of our concerns, cares, and worries with You Lord, and trust You to handle them in our very best interest - no matter how long it takes.  We choose to trust You, Lord, for Your are 100% trustworthy!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.  


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