Can you really let it go?

I have been waiting for some email responses lately, some of which can potentially change my life.  It has been nerve wracking for me.

I've prayed about it, gave it all to God, and yet it still weighs on my heart and mind - the uncertainty, the wondering, and the not knowing.

It's hard to truly let go sometimes.  I believe I trust God with my whole heart.  And yet when there are some issues on the line that affect my life, affect my immediate future, and just plain can either make life harder or easier for me, I give in to anxiety.

It is a miserable place to live!  But I do not need to stay in that miserable state of mind. Especially when I belong to omnipotent God who is for me, on my side, ever watching out for me, and doing all sorts of wonderful things on my behalf behind the scenes.  

How do I know He does all of these and more?  He promises to do them.  And if you are a child of God, you too have the same promises from His infallible Word.

We will still have to wait on some matters in this life, but we do not have to wait on proverbial pins and needles when we belong to Christ.

So why is it still so hard sometimes to simply let it all go and rest in His care?  Rest in His power?  Rest in His provision?  Rest in His Sovereignty?

I believe it is because we are also dealing with sinful, unreliable people!  It's not that we become utterly cynical, losing all confidence in human capability or help.  But when we put them first, above God, in how we think the resolutions will play out, that is when anxiety wins out instead of faith and trust.

When life is unfair, when things do not go as they should (not even as we want, but rightly as they should), it takes its toll on even the most seasoned saint.

This isn't my first rodeo with Jesus!  We've been walking the straight and narrow together for 35+ years now.  And yet!

And yet, though He has proven Himself all-powerful, on my side, and always comes through for me (even when it seems "late" or is not what I would have drummed up), I can still "go there" to that distraught place of worry, doubt, and fear.  

I can blame the devil, or, as I said, the sinful behavior of others messing with my Eden (!).  Or I can do a sort of faith free fall.  To me, total letting go can feel just like that. 

Though I have never jumped from a plane (and never plan on trying!), I can only imagine what it would feel like.  You are putting all of your trust in that blasted parachute!  Your very life depends on the thing opening up, on you pulling the cord at just the right time.  Talk about stress!  Talk about having to trust and let go!

Once you exit that plane door, you can't second guess yourself or do a redo!  That's it! You either let go and try to enjoy the "fall" or you panic, worry, stress, and fear.

Jesus promises us that though we may stumble, He will not let us fall.  He upholds us.  He actually expects us to, at times, only have faith the size of a mustard seed.  

He is so loving, so grace-filled, that He promises that even with that itty bitty bit of faith, that we can move mountains with it!

So I guess I just need to hand Him my mustard seed and let the seed go.  Then sit back and watch Him work on my behalf.  We still have our part to do.  We make the calls, we answer the emails, we do whatever is in our power to do, and we pray. 

But then what?  We let go.  And what will be will be.  This is not giving up or resigning ourselves to "whatever."  This is trust.  This is faith in God Almighty.  Faith in the God who is bigger than any worry, problem, person, or entity that threatens to overwhelm us.

Oh to see His bigness always!  To see my problems and unresolved parameters next to, compared to, His power - that is the constant goal, where I strive to live.  I must because when I don't, I pay the price in the form of lack of peace, stress that seizes up my body, and all that other fun stuff!

As God's children, we set the pace.  We show the way to a peace-filled, carefree life.  If we can't live it, who can?  We don't do it by tightening the reins on our own flimsy "control." That is the world's way and it doesn't work for it, either!   Instead, we leave it all in His very capable hands.

When we free fall from God's plane, we can fly without worry about a parachute.  He has us.  He carries us on eagles' wings while we soar.  We are lighter than air.  Yes, these things are possible through Christ!

Dear Lord.  Oh for eyes of faith to see You more clearly!  Oh for the faith to trust You more!  You went through so much for us on the cross so that we could know You intimately, be in Your Presence.  There is no worry, doubt, or fear in Your Presence.  Please keep us there, Lord!  Gently lead us back from worry and doubt into Your peace, Your power, and Your praise.  Amen.


  1. You have such a talent in writing about who God is and who we are in relation to God.


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