
Holy Habits

  I am so excited to share my new book with you!  It is available on Amazon now.  Read it and be blessed!  Here's the link:   Holy Habits Love, Elizabeth

God’s purpose for you

Is your purpose aligned with God’s purpose?  You cannot answer this until you know what His purpose is. We have all sorts of ideas about what our purpose in life should be.  We may think that simply setting goals and achieving them is our purpose.  We may think that caring for our families is our main purpose. We can have the highest and most noble goals in life possible and still miss God's purpose for our lives. The Lord makes it very clear to us what He desires for us.  He has not left us in the dark on this point. He has one overarching purpose for each Christian: to form the image of Christ in us. That is the bedrock of our purpose.  If we are not building on that, making that our main purpose and aim in life, it matters not what else we "accomplish." The world is never going to applaud our becoming more and more like Jesus.  The world is after its own set of goals, its reason for being, its purpose.  And the ways of the world should not be the wa...

Doing the works of God

What does doing the works of God mean to you?  If you are a Christian, it can mean any number of things. I have walked with the Lord long enough to realize a few things about doing His works.   I fully believe that the Lord's works are done first and foremost in our hearts.  Out of this connection, or as Oswald Chambers puts it, "comradeship," His works flow outward.   What I mean is, it is much easier to put the proverbial cart before the horse, the cart being outer good works.  The true work, what Jesus is after, lies within our hearts.  When the Lord takes up residence in our hearts, via the Person of the Holy Spirit, He comes to rule and reign there.  When we allow Him to rule in our hearts, that is how His works are accomplished through us. Now this is actually the harder work, because it is not tangible or quantifiable.  And Lord knows, we are a results-driven society! But remember, the Lord is after our hearts.  Always. ...

Jesus never tried to win over His haters

Jesus never once kowtowed to the Pharisees.  They were who they were.  And He didn't mince words about who they really were when He spoke to them!   The Pharisees appeared to have it all together.  They knew the law inside and out, and they let everyone know that they did! Only problem for them was that when Jesus came into their sphere, He embodied and fulfilled the very law which they took so much pride in knowing.  But He embodied it in such a way so as to get their goat - with true authority. After all, they were the know-it-alls, so who was this Jesus (from Nazareth, of all places) to tell them  what was what?  How dare He? He dared.  And they hated Him for it. How does this apply to us for our lives today?  There will always be those who are opposed to the Gospel.  Get used to it.   But if you ask me, I would rather go head to head with an atheist any day than a Pharisee.  It is sooooo much harder talking with s...

A prayer for identity

Oh Lord. For all who are reading this right now, I pray that whatever or whomever is trying to steal their identity, that they would resist them all and come back to you.  I pray, Lord, that they realize that when they belong to You, that their core and truest identity, source of meaning and life, is found in You and their relationship with You. I pray for the one reading this, Lord, that he or she would feel Your Presence and love right now.  May he or she release all that weighs them down with a false sense of worth so that they may be found securely in You and Your love instead. Keep them in Your love, O Lord, and remind them every minute that their identity as Your child is all that truly matters. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Trusting God when we suffer

Is it hard for you to trust God?  To believe that He has your best interest at heart?  To be able to bear what you thought you never could because He allows certain trials to go on and on?  None of us knows the future, no not one.  But God does.  He knows the beginning from the end.   A friend once told me that all of the chapter titles in the book of our lives have the same title:  Trusting God. The longer I walk with the Lord, the more I believe what she said. The trick is to make sure that we are trusting Him and not only in what He can do for us. Yes, He is our Provider, Deliverer, Protector, and so much more.  But when we trust Him for the provision, the deliverance, the protection by looking to those things rather than Himself, we will get tripped up.  Why?  Because the provision rarely comes as we’d anticipated.  The deliverance rarely happens as quickly as we’d like.  And all kinds of stuff still happens to us that we f...

Blessed Be the Lord

  My latest Scripture song based on Psalm 28, "Blessed Be the Lord." Enjoy!