
Showing posts from June, 2022

Why Jesus was a threat to the legalists

Part of Jesus' purpose on earth was to set the captives free.  He is still about the same business through His followers. True freedom can be a scary thing for those who think  they are living in freedom but are not truly. Apart from the saving grace of the Lord in our lives, we are all captives to sin.  We are each of us born with a sin nature.  No exceptions.  From Hitler to Mother Theresa, we are all born into sin. God, in His loving compassion, sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to set us free from sin!  He saw firsthand the devastation of the bondage of sin.  And because He loves us, He does not want to see us enslaved or in bondage to anything! The sad fact is that this truth is not what most people think of when they think of Christianity.  They think of it as a bunch of rules and regulations to follow and that is not what it's about at all! When we are born again, the blameless, perfect, and holy God comes to live inside of us via the Holy Spir...

Why God hates lukewarm

Did you know that God hates some things?  He is love. But He still has hatred for some things. He hates sin.  He loves the sinner, but hates the sin. He hates lukewarm because it is useless. Think about it.  Can you even stand a lukewarm sip of coffee?!  I know I can't.  Coffee is meant to be served either hot or cold. If people are lukewarm toward you, that is another word for apathetic.  They just don't care.  To me, that is even worse than hatred. Jesus spoke plainly when He said that we are either for Him, or against Him. God wants us either hot or cold toward Him, but not in between.  Lukewarm serves no purpose - that is why God hates it! This Scripture in the book of Revelation is scary stuff.  And how can you be sure that you are either hot or cold?   The choice is yours to make. You make up your mind if you are for God or against Him.  No Switzerland here!  There is no neutrality when it comes to your relationship ...