Good, better, best

If someone asked you if you want to be good, or better, or the best, you would probably answer, "The best."  

Even my "best self" falls miserably short of the glory of God.  I want more than what my "best self" has to offer.  I want Christ to be glorified in me  And even as my "good girl" self, I am light years away from His goodness.

"For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out."  Romans 7:18

When Paul writes "nothing good dwells in me," he doesn't mince words.  No good means no good.

So if Paul, one of the most brilliant minds ever, not to mention one of the holiest people ever, says that nothing good is found in his flesh, surely the same holds true of us! 

It is our pride that cannot admit that we are not really "good" people after all.  

Mother Teresa, widely accepted as one of the best examples of a human being said, "I realized a long time ago that I had a Hitler within me."  Talk about self-honesty!  Now if Mother Theresa owned up to this, where does that leave us?!

The point being that each and every one of us needs Christ in order to be any good at all.

I want to know that I am helpless apart from Christ so that He may live more fully in me. If we choose to think that we are good within ourselves, if we believe that we can be "good" apart from Christ, then He has no part in us.  If we don't think we need Him, He won't show up.

It is actually a huge relief when you don't place the onus to be good on yourself.  You don't have to keep trying and striving to be something that you're not!

We.  All.  Need.  Christ.

If we want to truly be "the best" we can be, then let's allow Christ to have full reign in our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies.  The benefits?  Countless!  Peace, joy, contentment, no worries, a letting go of control - all of these and more!

Then His true goodness will let loose in us and He will be glorified, not us.  That's the point, isn't it?


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