Too many obstacles!

What do you do when someone is bringing out the worst in you so that you cannot move forward in your ministry?  Who are you allowing to disqualify you or get in your way?  What do you have no control over?

We all need support in life.  It comes in many forms.  But sometimes, it feels like we have little to none at all.  We feel down, discouraged, like there's no way out of our situation.

Are you crying out for wisdom from the Lord today?  He will answer you!  He promises to!  It may not come exactly when you want it, but it comes when you need it. And it may not be the answer you were hoping for, but it will be the solution that you need.

This is hard.  If you're at all like me, then you want things your way and in your time.  Oy.  I thought the spoiled child in me was long gone, but it turns out she can still rear her petulant head!

God is God. He can do anything.  He can stop others from harming us.  And if He has a plan to move us forward and sees that someone is being an obstacle to us, then surely He can remove it, right?  After all, if God is for me, who can be against me, right?  (Romans 8:31)

I realize that life is a battle and that obstacles are a part of life.

But when you come up against many of them, and they just don't seem to stop, it is tiring, to say the least.

You may have heard that the devil is trying to wear you out.  So if you feel worn out, is it the enemy's fault?

We choose to either play into the harmful ways of others or not.  We can let ourselves dwell in overwhelming feelings of helplessness due to insurmountable obstacles, or we can shift our focus elsewhere.  Easier said than done sometimes!

What to do?

How do you boost yourself up when all seems to conspire against you?  How do you let Jesus strengthen you when all you want to do is curl up in bed and pull the covers over your head?  We can't blame this blasted lock down for everything!  Yes, it has been tremendously trying, to say the least.  But if we can't learn to conquer during the worst of times, then our strength is good for nothing.  We need to be strong in the tough times and let our "muscles" be stretched beyond what we thought they could endure.  

God didn't promise us an easy life, He promised that His yoke is easy.  Ah.  My body just relaxed as I wrote these words.  Ding ding ding!  Right answer!

If I am trying to "do life" in my own strength, I will eventually run out of steam - no matter how strong or tough I may be.  We were not built to handle life on our own.  And our pride knows this deep down.

Like the song says, "We all need somebody to lean on."  

And Jesus promises that if we "yoke" together with Him that our load will be lighter.  Easier.  How?  Because we let Him bear the load for and with us.  Oh yeah!  I remember that verse!  Now why can't I just live it?!

Repeat after me:  I am not super woman.  I am not superman.  I am human.  I have weaknesses and frailties and expecting more of myself than is realistic is putting too much dang weight on me!  I need Someone to lean on.  

There.  You said it.  You're not the Marlboro Man and neither is anyone else!  

Here's the paradox:  when we strive to "have it all together," or at least appear that way, we really don't.  When we let Christ hold us together, admit our weaknesses and that we need Him, then we are strong.    

Lord, give me wisdom!  Show me what is really going on. Show me how much is my fault in this onslaught of obstacles and problems.  If I am not to blame, then how can I move forward in this difficult situation?  I need Your perspective, Lord Jesus, because I can't see the forest for the trees right now.  I pray that you either remove these obstacles from my path and mind or give me Your energy and grace to overcome them.  Please help me relinquish control and be yoked with You instead.  I love You, Lord.  Thank You for always being the One that I can lean on.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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