We're almost there
Only two days until Christmas (counting today)! Can you believe we are coming to the end of this history-making year? Do we even remember what life was like before the pandemic hit? Can we imagine life returning to normal any time soon?
I think we still need to take this plague very seriously. The more we try to "do" life as normal - gathering for public events, getting together socially - the longer this blasted thing is going to drag on.
Celebrating Christmas during a pandemic is still possible! We put a lot of pressure on Christmas. The get-togethers, the food, the cookies and candy, the pine trees, the decorations - these are all supposed to make us feel "up" and brighter. And to some extent, they do.
But not this year. I'm just not "into" the festivities as much. You?
However, when I get my focus off of what is "missing" this Season, I remind myself what this holiday is really about. The birth of the Messiah. He has not gone missing! With all of the weariness from just surviving 2020, this truth still excites me!
The wonder, the awe, the amazement of the Savior's birth - we need to remember that the Jews were looking forward to the coming Messiah for thousands of years! Talk about waiting!
Have you "unwrapped" God's greatest Gift to us - His only begotten Son? When you receive this gift, it never perishes or fades. It never becomes obsolete or wears out. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving!
Lord Jesus, we receive You into our hearts and ask that You fully live in us this Christmas and always. Thanking You doesn't seem enough, but we thank You a million times over for being born, for coming to us, for rescuing us from the kingdom of darkness to bring us into Your Kingdom of light. Thank You for being Emmanuel - God with us. Prepare our hearts as we prepare for Your birthday. We love You, Lord Jesus. In Your Name we pray. Amen.
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