Don't blame God

I am convinced that most people have a skewed viewpoint of God due to how they have been mistreated by people.  

People cannot love us like Jesus can.  True fact.

And then there are those who do not know how to show love, really, because they have never received the love of God.  So they fight against the very One - the only One - who can give them the love they need and crave.

So I am writing this not to suggest, not to tell, not to cajole you to not blame God for how others have mistreated you.  I am writing to implore, beg, and plead with you - do NOT blame God for the pain and suffering you have experienced and endured at the hands of wounded, hurting people.   That is not from God.  Ever.

God loves you.  I wish I could write this in 20 miles high letters in writing across the entire world's sky!

His love for you is personal, intimate, vast, wide, deep, everlasting, pure, good, true, unchanging, unconditional, and so much more.  

He gave His life in an agonizing crucifixion to demonstrate His great love for you, in order to bring you into an intimate relationship with God, because our sin separated all of us from Himself.  There is no other love like this.

You will never find another love like His love for you.  So please do not compare any earthly love to this perfect, divine love.

All of the heartache in the world can be traced back to feeling unloved by others.  Then, people mistakenly translate that to thinking that God doesn't love them, either.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

Christ loves you!  He wants to set you free!  He wants to heal you!  He longs for a relationship with you, to bless you, to be in communion with you, to teach you, to lead you, and so much more.

So please, I implore you, do not blame God for the suffering you have endured, thinking that because of it, He does not love you.  

He loves you.  There is nothing you could do to make Him stop loving you.  

Please, please, please do not compare God's love with people's love.  Or for any other qualities in people, for that matter!

Christ's love is singular.  Christ's love fills your heart.  Christ's love will heal every wound.  His love can even enable you to love the very ones who hurt you.  Talk about love!

Dear, loving Lord.  Oh how You love us!  Words cannot express the depth of Your great love for us.  Oh help us realize how much You love us.  And help us to realize that You love us like no other.  Then help us forgive those who have hurt us, that we may show them the same love that You show us.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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