When God removes people or things from your life

God always wants the best for you.  Period.

However, we do not know what is best for us.  Our limited viewpoint is no match for God's omniscience.  So how could we possibly know what is best for us?

When the Lord removes someone or something from our lives, if it held any import to us at all, it hurts.  At first.  

But if that person or thing was an idol, then it had no place in your life to begin with.

How do you know when something or someone has become an idol?  When you think about it, him, or her more than you do the Lord.

"Now how am I supposed to think about the Lord more than anything or anyone?" you might ask.  He has ways to get you there!

Job was already a godly man, but it wasn't until God removed everything and everyone - literally - from his life that Job really saw and experienced and knew God.  

And God's intention for Job is the same for all of us - that we might know and experience Him better and more. 

Job's case was extreme, but it worked!  Only God knows what it will take for each of us - it will look different in each case - to get us to the point of utter dependence on Him and looking only to Him for our worth, security, and identity.

This is more than a mere resignation, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away," kind of deal.  This is a rock solid, immovable trust in Himself that the Lord wants to build in us.

How is this for our best?  Because He knows that all else are merely props, when all is said and done.  All of the people and things we think we "need" cannot come close to our need for Him as our All in all.

So when He removes things and people from your life - and He will at some point, if He hasn't already - please know that though it hurts, it is for your absolute best.  

He knows that idolatry hurts you.  Not only is it an affront to God, the only One deserving of our worship, but it hurts you!  If you truly belong to Him, He won't let you stay in idolatry.  If He lets you go your own way, then maybe you weren't really as devoted to Him as you thought.

Our idols will never satisfy us as God does.  Our sinful flesh will still go after idols, either knowingly or not.  However, there is a way out!

Worship the Lord.  Ask Him to forgive you for worshiping other gods.  Surrender to Him.  Let Him fill your heart and life with Himself.  Then, as He did with Job, He will restore what and whomever needs to be restored in your life, if it is for your best and if you have learned all that He wants to teach you.

Dear Lord, I don't always understand why You remove people and things from my life.  Although it is painful, I trust that You know exactly what You are doing.  And whether or not things are restored the way I would prefer, I still trust You!  Thank You, Lord, for Your omniscience and great care and love for me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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