Do the math - we're closer than we think

For any of us who have lived any length of time, we know that seven years is but a breath, a blink.

So let's imagine for a moment that the Great Tribulation, which lasts a total of seven years, is just around the corner.  Whether or not we are Raptured before it, God only knows!  I'm not here to debate post-trib or pre-trib.  

Lately, I've been thinking about just how soon Jesus' Millennial Reign may be happening.  

I mean, we come back with Him to rule and reign during His millennial reign.  And that may be only a few years away!  

This excites me to no end!!!

A world where perfect peace, justice, unity, and righteousness reign.  Can we even imagine it?!  I'm not talking heaven here, folks.  I'm talking about true peace on earth - and this for one thousand years!  

Jesus promises that He will be back here to reign - in person! - on earth for 1,000 years before the final showdown (Armageddon).

We will see Him!  He will be on the news.  I'm not sure if He will have a twitter of facebook feed or what!  But doesn't this thought blow your mind?!?

I can see it now - 7 billion followers!!!

But I've read that even then - when we can see and touch Him - there will still be fools who don't believe in Him!  Talk about utter denial!

So there is a chance that His reign will begin by the year 2030, or sooner!  Yes, this is for real!

It may be later, too.  But why don't we live as if it were happening sooner rather than later?

Lord, please teach us here and now, prepare us, how to best rule and reign with You for when You bring us back with You during your 1000-year reign.  Finally!  We will see how it is done - how a perfectly righteous Leader leads the nations!  Can't wait!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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