He sees further than we do

When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, you sign up for all sorts of things that you didn’t know you were signing up for.

For me, much of the time I don’t like God’s plan. Just sayin’.

Why not? Because. It’s. Hard.

You can love the Lord with all your heart and still not be crazy about His plan at times.  Yes, of course I am familiar with Jeremiah 29:11.  But we all know that some days, some seasons, some years, some lives are just plain hard.

Growing up is hard and that is exactly what we’re called to do as His children: become mature adults in every way.

Where’s the fun in that, you may wonder.

God asks hard things of us.

There’s a popular saying these days: We do hard things.

Good for you.

But the sorts of hard things that Jesus calls us to are actually impossible in and of ourselves. Why? Because they are supernatural.

How many of these can we actually do in our own strength?

- stay in peace while being attacked verbally or spiritually or mentally 

- forgive - really forgive - those who hurt us

- wait and keep on waiting for His perfect timing in all things

- walk in His Spirit when all around us is a hot mess

Who's to say what is "supposed" to be happening in your life at any given time anyway?

I have read, "Don't focus on your circumstances.  Focus on Christ instead."  That's lovely.  But how?

Circumstances surround us physically.  Christ surrounds us spiritually.  One is tangible, the other is not.  I believe that's what makes it so darn hard to do!

We are to "walk in the Spirit" and not make provision for the flesh.  I've been walking with Jesus for over 30 years now, and I'm still trying to get the hang of this one.  And it's a crucial one to grab hold of because it is foundational for our lives as Christians.

Some popular directives are:

- Rise above!
- Overcome!
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
- Be strong and courageous!

And these are all very wonderful and are possible through the Holy Spirit in us.  But practicually speaking, how do we rise above?  How do we overcome?  

We have faith that God is bigger than our circumstances.  Faith that even though things are not as we like, God is still Sovereign over our lives.  He could change our circumstances in an instant.  So when He doesn't, it behooves us to trust His ways and timing.

Settle into His Presence.  Rest in Him.  Give way to Him.  Yield, submit, and trust Him.  Keep letting go until His peace envelops you more than your circumstances. 

Stop trying to figure it out and make sense of it.  These only add to our stress and doubt - they are not faith builders!

"Our true course is to remember that He sees further than we do, and that we shall understand Him in time; when His plans have unfolded themselves; meanwhile casting all our care upon Him, since He careth for us." Henry Parry Lindon

He sees further than we do.  Indeed.

Don't you love when a particular sentence jumps out at you?  Or it is something that you already know but it is worded differently so as to make it brand new to you.

God exists out of time.  He knows the beginning from the end.  These I have heard and am familiar with.

But when I recently read, He sees further than we do, somehow it became more real and clear to me.  

We don't see what lies ahead.  At all!  Oh we like to think that by simply marking something in our calendars, and working to make it happen, that it will come to pass.  But it can be dangerous to "play god" that way if we think that we will "make things happen" when in fact, if the Lord vetoes it, those goals may not come to pass after all.  Why?  Because He sees further than we do.

Does that mean don't make plans at all?  Of course not.  But keep remembering that He sees further than we do.

So if you are in less-than desirable cirumstances right now, please remember these precious, eye-opening words: He sees further than we do.

There's something comforting in even saying these words out loud.  

Rest in His omniscience.  Trust His timing.  Make Him your "circumstance."  And you will find rest for your soul.

Dear Lord.  You know the way I take.  You hold the future in Your hands.  You care about every detail of my life and desire that I live in peace, not in stress, worry, or doubt.  Even the very hairs on my head are numbered by You.  Please help me see You as bigger than my circumstances.  Please help me trust Your timing and solutions.  For I love You, Lord, and want Your will - even when it's hard and not how I think it's "supposed" to be.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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