Yesterday’s gone; now what?

So we all know that we can’t change the past or live in it.

But how do we not keep foreseeing more of the same?  After all, that’s how things “always” work out for us, right?

How do we stop dragging past mishaps into the present?

When we have experienced much pain and suffering in life, it can become hard to imagine a brighter, happier future.  Our minds are a very powerful thing.  They remember everything.  

As we get older, this may be hard to believe - as we get more forgetful!

But it's all in there.  Everything we ever heard, saw, experienced, said - our brains are like computers with an unlimited hard drive capacity.

So what is it that we are recalling?  Which "document" are we opening from our hard drive?

Here's the beauty of how God made our minds: we are able to create new thoughts with them!  Ha!

So when those old "documents" threaten to steal our joy and try to remind us of things that we'd just as soon forget, we can choose - in that moment! - to think about something more pleasant.

Maybe you are already a "glass half full" type.  Perception is key.

Ask God to heal how you perceive things.  Ask Him to run it through His filter and soon His filter becomes your own.

Habits can be hard to break - including habits of thought.  But all things are possible with God!

He promises us that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds!  But it takes work.

It's like reprogramming a computer - God is rewriting our "code."  

Next time you catch yourself in a downward spiral of thoughts, STOP!  Just stop for a second or two.  Then ask the Lord to reveal to you what is really happening.  Because our perceptions of things have been damaged over time - like a corrupted file on a PC.

God is a positive God!  All things are yes in Him!  He is not just a "glass half full" God, but an overflowing cup God!  Our cup indeed does overflow when we allow His Spirit and thoughts, His perspective, override our own puny, skewed thoughts.  

Ask Him.  He wants to answer this prayer and cry of our hearts.  He wants us thinking rightly and positively about all things because His will is good.  His thoughts are pure.  His ways are holy.  Ours, not so much.

But the beauty of His grace, mercy, and love is that we can learn to think as He does!  When we immerse ourselves in His truth, His Scripture, it truly transforms us.  It may be slow going, but it works!

We still must choose one thought over another.  And some days, it's harder work than others.  But with His power inside us via the Holy Spirit, our minds can think God's thoughts!  This is mind-blowing!

"Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." I John 4:4

Greater are God's thoughts.  Greater is God's power.  Greater than the enemy's (not even close!) and greater than our own hearts and minds.  

"God is greater than our heart." I John 3:20

These are powerful promises to us as His followers!

So take heart, precious one!  Believe Him for your transformation!  For all things are possible with God! Let Him reprogram your thinking with His Word.  Thinking and living in His truth takes us higher than we could ever soar in our own thinking!

Dear Lord, thank You for creating us with such a powerful mind.  I'm sure You laugh at the "computers" down here on earth!  For compared to how You created our computer minds, manmade computers are as nothing!  Thank You that change is possible with You, Lord, through the promises and power of Your Word.  May we immerse ourselves daily in Your truths so that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds - the control center of our thoughts and behevior!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen!


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