Being still and knowing God

Being still and knowing God.  They are tied together.  How do I know?  Because of this Scripture: 

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

So if we quiet ourselves, actually sit still for a bit, we can get to know God.

The verse does not say: 

Be anxious and know that I am God
Be worried and know that I am God
Be busy and know that I am God
Be reasoning and know that I am God


Be still and know that I am God.

Ahhhh.  I relax just writing these word.

Is it hard for you to be still?  I get it.  Life happens.  

But how much of our doing and busyness can we say no to?  Do we bring it on ourselves?

Habits are formed over time.  We actually condition ourselves unknowingly when we repeatedly act a certain way a lot.  This includes busyness.

There are those who cannot stand any silence in their lives.  Something is always blaring noise their way - the car radio, music, phone notifications, TV, streaming, talking, etc., etc.

Why does silence frighten us?  What demons may surface?  What hurt, anger, bad memories, repressed hostilities?  I don't know - you name it!  But we can press beyond these nagging thoughts.

We are missing out on the best thing in life if we cannot learn to be quiet and still:  Knowing God.  

Knowing our Maker!  The fact that we can even know Him should fill us with awe, wonder, and humility.  The God who knows each star in the universe by name, the numbers of sands on every beach, the number of hairs on each person's head, and more!  It boggles my mind that this all-powerful Creator would stoop to be known by us, would want to be known by us.

But He does!

And stillness is the way to do it.

Oh other thoughts and such will undoubtedly come up when we quiet ourselves, but that's ok. We must trust that He will show up because He promises to.  

There are countless verses in the Bible about waiting on the Lord.  So we must learn to wait on Him in His Presence while being still.  He doesn't just appear like a genie out of a bottle!

Though He never leaves us for even a millisecond, we still need to come before Him in stillness to really get to know Him, to hear from Him, to be close to Him.

He is so worth the wait!

Can we know God in a flurry of activity?  Can we be whirlwinds and yet know God?  

I just don't see it anywhere in Scripture.  After all, Jesus said that Mary did the better part when she sat at His feet while Martha was busying herself in the kitchen.

God came to Elijah not in the hurricane, earthquake, or fire, but in a still, small voice. (see I Kings 19:11-13)

I believe that sitting quietly before the Lord and being still before Him is something that He treasures very much.

I mean what if your spouse, friend, or child never took the time to simply be with you?  Would you like that?

Please do not misunderstand me when I say these things.  I am not talking about "emptying" your mind - because we can't.  I'm not talking about contemplating your navel, either.  I'm not even talking about doing your daily Bible reading, though that is important.

No.  I am referring to being with God; seeking God in the quiet, in being still before Him - giving Him a chance to show up.  To sit there and simply be with Him, not asking or wanting for anything other than Himself.

Oh what we forfeit when we do not make time for this!  This is what the Garden must have been like for Adam and Eve.  They were always in God's Presence.  

We have a bit more distractions than Adam and Eve.

But that's no excuse!  We can control how much time we spend on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram, or playing video games, etc.  We cannot blame anyone but ourselves for how we use our time.

So how about it?  This New Year, let us be still more and know that He is God.  

Dear Lord.  My nerves and emotions get frazzled when I do not spend enough "being" time with You.  You want me to be still before you so that I may know You better; to leave all my cares at Your feet and just be with You.  Please help me quiet myself and put down my phone or turn off the TV more this year so that I may find true and lasting peace, joy, and contentment, which are only found in You.  You will lead me into the productivity that is right for me.  But I want to be filled with You more, closer to You, put You first not only in my quiet time, but always.  Thank You, Lord, that we can know You.  I love You, Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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