Trusting with all of your heart

This is one of my all-time favorite, wonderful promises from God's Word. I even wrote a song on it. Proverbs 3:5-6.

But do I always live it out?  It's easy to sing a song.  It's much harder to live out the words in the nitty gritty details of life.

Oh we can usually muster up some amount of trust.  But do we trust with all our hearts?

How exactly do we do this?  How do we know when we're doing this?

I believe there is a freedom in it.  When we truly trust in our Omnipotent Lord with all of our hearts, we can let go and relax already.  We are not responsible for the rotation of the earth, He is!  The same God who holds it all together from the farthest galaxies to right here in front of me, is the same God Who is worthy of all of our hearts!  

I wonder what would happen if we truly did this in practice - as an everyday practice, I mean - what miracles we would see!

How do we trust wholeheartedly throughout the day?  I guess when are feathers get ruffled, something happens to upset us, something goes horribly awry - in all of these situations and more - we simply trust it to God.  Trust and entrust it to Him.

What is our part and what is His?  Well we are to appropriate His Word.  And the more we know His Word in our hearts, the more we can trust HIm with our hearts because His Word is already there, living and active in our hearts!

For me, since I am a musician, getting the Lord's Word in my heart happens through a song.  That is the main reason I started writing Scripture songs!  Because it is easier for me to memorize the Word when I can sing it!  I remember Scripture songs from over 30 years ago from the church I got saved in.  They have stuck with me all this time.  It is the power of the Word combined with the power of melody that really works for me!

What about you?  How do you get God's Word into your heart and soul?  Is this even important to you?

How will you know how to perceive or handle any given situation if you don't know His Word?  After all, His Word has power.  His Word is truth.  His Word will always steer you in the right direction.  So it totally behooves you to know it!

It is not a crutch, so don't go there in your thoughts!  No!  It is the very power of God!  It is actually God Himself!  How is this so?  Because of the wonderful Scripture in John:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

There you have it!  If you knew the Word, you would know this verse!  Ha!

So when we know the Word, we know God.  How beautiful is that?

Not much of a reader?  There are scads of resources at our fingertips these days.  There are several audio Bibles available to you.  No more excuses!

And there are Scripture songs!  You may even like some of mine! Listen here

Point is, we need God.  We need His Word.  We need to learn to trust Him with all our hearts more and more.  For He is worthy!

Dear Lord.  Thank You a million times over that we can know You.  Thank You for Your marvelous and holy Word.  Thank You for Your promises to us!  Help us get Your Word deep in our hearts so that we may trust You with all of our hearts!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen!


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