Surrender to God and be empowered!

So I told the Lord yesterday that I surrender my life to Him. I have done this before. I don't recall the earth shaking, or any lightning bolts or fireworks when I surrendered before. I don't remember anything changing outwardly much at all. We are to live in daily surrender to the Lord. This means giving up our will, plans, agendas for His. If we truly believe, "Your will be done," then how does this play out in daily life for us? Are you strong-willed? This seems to be an admirable trait according to some. People are wowed by the most idiotic things, aren't they? Jesus is not wowed one iota by your strong will Jesus not once exerted His own will when He walked this earth. Do you respect Jesus for that? Do you? Why exactly was Jesus so powerful in His earthly ministry? Precisely because He was surrendered to His Heavenly Father. Jesus had no agenda of His own. Jesus was perfectly obedi...