Competing forces

This verse is often quoted among Christians.  They sometimes take it to mean that if you are making a decision and you are confused, then it is not of God.  Or if you are confused about anything in life, then it is not of God and should be dismissed.

But we need to work through things.  We need God's help to shed light on what is really happening.  If the enemy is casting doubt on our minds, then the Lord can clear that up and reveal His will in the matter, if we're listening.

When I looked up the original Greek for the meaning of confusion in this verse, it was surprising.  It actually means anarchy.

When there is a political uprising, it can happen when the people take power into their own hands, disregarding the law and man-made hierarchy in place.

In light of this verse in Scripture, I take it to mean that when I am confused about a matter, that the enemy of my soul is playing anarchist in my mind, trying to overtake Christ in me (ha!).  Poor devil.  He just can't get it through his thick skull that he is not God, never has been, never will be. 

It happened to Eve in the garden when she paid any mind to the serpent's lies.  The devil was confusing her.  She wasn't aware that the serpent was trying to ultimately usurp God's power and Lordship in her life.  Some things never change.

The enemy is still in the "takeover" business.  But as Christians filled with the Holy Spirit, we are onto his wiles.  That doesn't mean that he doesn't still try to confuse and tempt us.  But armed with truth and God's power in us, we can refuse the devil any place in our hearts and minds, the place where only God has the right to rule, now what we belong to Him.

There are other anarchists in our lives, too, that can cause confusion, fear, and doubt.  Here's a short list:

- our flesh
- our culture
- well-meaning family/friends
- those in "power" around us
- our desires and feelings (pesky things!)

As I said, this is but a short list of the things that want to take over in our hearts, souls, and minds to take the place of Christ at the center.

When Christ rules, there is peace - both inner and outer.  When anyone or anything else rules, chaos will either immediately or eventually come into play.

The Greek definition of confusion in I Corinthians 14:33 is "instability. disturbance, upheaval, revolution, almost anarchy, first in the political, and thence in the moral sphere."

As in the political arena, anarchy causes instability and upheaval, so in our hearts when anarchy tries to take place there.

Will we cave?  Will we give into the wiles of the enemy, or the "power" of the other influences vying for control/lordship in our hearts and lives?

As always, we have a choice.  We do not have to be carried away by the current, no matter how seemingly strong or "popular."  

Jesus is Lord.  As such, only He belongs on the throne of our hearts.  He is ever on the throne of power, ruling from heaven in His goodness, justice, mercy, love, and wisdom.  Will we allow Him to rule on the throne of our hearts?

No anarchy, no confusion.  God brings peace to our hearts if we let Him.

Dear Lord.  Thank You that when we belong to You that we never need to be confused, to live with unrest. Thank You that when You rule in our hearts, we know and have Your beautiful peace and truth and clarity.  Amen.


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