Why your spiritual growth matters to me

What draws people to Christ?  Scripture tells us that His Holy Spirit woos them.  

So we can and should tell others about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. But it is God who moves in their hearts to want to receive Him.

Then what?

Once a seed is planted, it needs to be watered in order for it to grow and become whatever it is. Without water, the right soil, and sunshine, the seed will die.

Once the Holy Spirit is planted into a soul, it too needs watering and loving care, or it too will never mature.

Spiritual growth is a crucial part of drawing others to Christ.  How so?  When others see genuine love in our church communities, they will be drawn to God.

But if we remain childish, not letting God have full sway in our lives to grow us up, our growth will be stilted and others may not want to join us.

Growing up is hard.  That's why we call it "growing pains."  Yet that is precisely what we are called by God to do.  Scripture is filled with references to as much.

So what does spiritual growth entail?  Lots of surrender to God.  I view it as not so much effort, but a letting go.  

Every time we do force our own will in a situation, demand our rights, or go against Jesus, we stunt our growth.

Every time we obey Jesus, we grow.

Whenever we don't feel like forgiving someone, we can surrender to the Holy Spirit and simply do as Jesus commands and forgive! Yes, we have to choose to forgive them.  But we are enabled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do it.

If others entered a church community where the love of God was evident, they would want what we have.  I know because that is exactly what drew me to God.  

This doesn't mean that any fellowship is perfect.  It never will be this side of heaven. But it does mean that we are to get along with each other!  We don't have to "like" someone in order to love them.  

How is true unity created?  As we mature and grow up in Christ, we will live as He wants us to.  We lay down our preferences and rights in order to keep the peace and unity.  That is growing up in Christ.

Sticking with Jesus through thick and thin - this is growing up in Christ.

Not allowing others' mistreatment of us to change us into something we are not - this is growing up in Christ.

Your spiritual growth matters to me (and even more so to God!) because that is where the good stuff abounds.  The fruit doesn't grow on the trunk of the tree, but out on the edge of the grown branch.  

Ripe fruit is appealing and when we eat it, it satisfies.  It is delicious.  

"Ripe" Christians are also appealing to others because all of that peace, love, joy, forgiveness, grace, compassion, etc. coming out of us is attractive to others.  

So our spiritual growth matters to God and to ourselves, yes.  But it also matters to those who do not know Christ yet. When we see a brother or sister heading down the wrong path - farther from God instead of closer - we are to gently nudge them back where they belong: toward God and His people.

But if "His people" are immature, then why would they want to come back?

So if our spiritual maturity draws others to Christ, then our spiritual immaturity repels them.

We get to choose.  We cannot force spiritual growth any more than an apple on a tree can force itself to grow.

We choose to obey the Lord in all things, by His power and grace in us, and He grows us up as we go.  We water ourselves in His Presence, through His Word and Spirit, and we water others with what we've been given, whatever our Spiritual gifts might be.  

Are we serious about this matter?  It's much easier to do the bare minimum, go along with the immature crowd, to not make waves, than it is to cooperate with God and grow up.  That path is broad, for sure.

But God's way is narrow and not many walk on it.  Will you be part of the chosen few?  Will you make spiritual growth your highest aim in this New Year so that others may be drawn to Christ through you?

Oh Lord.  The true Christian life is hard.  It involves a lot of dying to self.  It involves us letting You prune and refine us.  It involves so much more then simply going to church and trying to be a "good person."  As this world winds down, may we keep Your new world ahead of us  in our minds, what we are working toward.  May we tend to our spiritual growth as our top priority so that we may grow up in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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