God detaches you from some relationships

Sometimes, the Lord removes people from your life you thought were going to "be there for you" for life.  Not everyone in your life is a keeper.

When God detaches them - when He has acted on your behalf - it is easy.  When the other person decides or when we decide to move on, it may not be so easy.  But when the detaching is from God, His peace is in your spirit.

It's like you want to miss them, you think you should miss them, but you are alright with it.  This is a grace from God.  Don't fight it!  Relax into it.

In these last days, the Lord knows who's who and who is a detriment to His work in and through us and who is a help.  Let Him remove whom He will.  

We must stay closer to Christ than ever before in these last days.  To say the days are evil is the understatement of all time! 

The Word clearly states that things heat up more in the end.

How will we stand?  How can we endure?

We must lean into the Presence of Christ more deeply.  This has always been the key to a victorious Christian life.  But now, even more so.

We have had it good in the U.S.  We have no idea what severe persecution really is.  But there may come a day when we face such persecution as never before.

If we're not in the habit of staying close to Christ, seeking His will and wisdom, we will be ill-prepared for the days ahead.

Trust that if the Lord is removing certain people from your life that it is for your good.  And remember that when the enemy can't get you to do bad, he uses "good" situations and yes, even people, to distract you from your true purpose.  

Everything the Lord is doing in our lives is preparation for these last days.  He wants us pared down, ready to meet Him in the air when He returns!  

Let us not be clinging to worthless idols when He returns.  And relationships can be idols.  God knows which relationships are a hindrance to our moving forward with Him.  He knows who is truly for us and who is against us.   

Get ready now!

Do not wait until the last minute.

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut." Matthew 15:10

Matthew 15:1-13 I encourage you to read the entire passage.

Make up your mind ahead of time to Whom your allegiance belongs. The days ahead will not be for wimps.  

We are never, no never, alone if we are in Christ.  That is the rock solid promise that will help see us through. 

Trust in His grace to enable you to let go of everyone and everything that He wants removed from your life. This way, you will be ready for His coming!


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