God's will

As Christian's, we want to know God's will for our lives.  We are eager to learn our purpose and place in this world, what He would have us do.  And there's nothing wrong with that.

The trouble comes when we put our thirst for knowing God's will above our hunger for knowing God.  Do we only want to know what we are to do for Him?  Or do we want to know Him?

These are not the same desires.  Wanting to know a person is quite different from wanting to get advice from him.  

I have been guilty of this - wanting to know my purpose more than wanting to know God.  I want to be of use to Him, and that is a good thing.  But wanting to work for Him and wanting to cultivate a love relationship with Him are two very different animals.  

It is enough to obey His revealed will.  Are we even doing that?  Love each other.  Forgive each other.  Keep no record of wrongs.  Give thanks always.  Rejoice always.  Pray always.  There you go!  These are all God's will for us as Christians.  None of us can escape these.

But if we're not striving to do the basics, by His power and grace only, of course, then why should He reveal a more specific agenda to us?  He can't "send us out" without love in our hearts.  He doesn't want to give us a job title - He wants to give us Himself.

So the question is, do we want Him?  Do we want Him to fill us?  Or are we more concerned about "doing" for Him?  That is getting the proverbial cart before the horse.

Jesus said that many will come to Him on Judgment Day listing their good deeds.  Read here in Matthew 7:22-23.

"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"

These are really frightening words!  I mean if the do-gooders are on the outs with the Lord, where are we in that picture?  

Why didn't Jesus know these workers?  Were they too busy working for Him without bothering to get to truly know Him?  

So knowing God's will is important, yes.  But knowing God - having an intimate relationship with Him - is far more important.  

Getting to know Him should be our top priority.  In doing this, we are doing His will!  Loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, and souls.  We do this mainly through obeying Him.  Loving, rejoicing, being grateful, seeking Him in His Word, surrendering our will for His, being willing to accept rejection because we are His - all of these will increase our intimacy with Him.  Then, on that day, He will know us.  We will be found in Him.  


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