
Have you ever gone through a crisis and when it was over think, "Finally!" only to meet with a new crisis?  

Just when I think the bad times are behind me, something else pops us to try and derail my composure.  It is frustrating, to say the least. I whack one proverbial mole only to find another one popping up.

Where is the rest?  Where is the peace?  Why is God allowing trial after trial in my life?

God promises us calm in the midst of the storm.  He promises peace not as the world gives - not through the "security" of money or possessions which deep down we know are here one day, gone tomorrow.  His peace is powerful.  His peace is permanent.  It calms emotional storms within us.

When will it all let up?  When will your own struggles end? I wish I could tell you that it will let up soon.  Very soon.  But I know that we will all be "whacking moles" probably right to the very end - either the end of this earthly life or until Christ returns and takes us up with Him.

Especially now, during this dreadful pandemic that seems to go on and on, we need the peace of Christ to comfort, sooth, protect, and carry us.  None of us knows when it will end - not even the experts.

When the Lord tells me, "The best is yet to be," I believe Him. I know that no matter what happens this side of heaven that, as His child, the best is waiting for me with Him in eternity.  

If you haven't got that eternal perspective, then waiting for life to "return to normal" after this craziness ends may disappoint.  After all, who's to say that things will ever get back to as they were?  

We must prepare ourselves for the possibility that things may get even worse.  We must have the inner faith and strength to see us through, to keep going, to face anything no matter what.  There just may be bigger and badder "moles" ahead.

I don't say this to be discouraging.  But it just might be that the Lord is allowing these one-after-another trials to prepare us for what lies ahead.  

For only the Lord knows the future.  And He alone knows how to best prepare us for it.

So let us whack away!  And let us do so with the peace of Christ in our hearts.  Impossible, you say?  You are right.  In and of ourselves, it is impossible.  But all things are possible with God.  He makes a way.  He gives His peace.  He is with us through the storm.


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