In need of a stronger faith

Is your faith strong enough to hold up under persecution?  Or do you falter or run at the first sign of pain, suffering, or intimidation?

In this "new world" of ours, only those who have been previously battle-tested will be able to endure, to stand, in the face of what is to come.

Personally, the Lord has been preparing me for these last days for over a decade now.  It has been hard.  Very hard.  He has put me through His toughest tests, trials, and tribulations.  Why did I stick around?!  Because where else can I go?  The world offers me nothing.  The "medications" of the world are powerless to save (drugs, alcohol, etc.).  

There is no Savior besides Jesus.  He is the One,

That is why I stick with Him no matter what.

I have discovered a little bit of just how He was treated when He walked this earth.  I have met with the cruelest of hatred for no reason other than I am a Christian.  I have battled evil plots and schemes that came against me.  These too came at me without cause or provocation.  

How did I handle them?  How did I continue to trust the Lord in spite of them?

1. I prayed a lot on my knees
2. I always forgave my persecutors
3. I did not seek revenge ever
4. I trusted the Lord to deliver, rescue, or give me strength to endure
5. I believed that He always knows exactly what He is doing
6. I knew He was using all of this for my good
7. I determined to love my enemies

And now here we are in the last days, the final hour.  Do I believe Christ is coming back soon?  God only knows the time.  But I know I want to be ready.

Do I believe Christians are collectively going to face more persecution than ever?  Yes.  And I also believe that most of them are woefully unprepared.  They did not let Jesus take them through trials and tests in the past - they wriggled out of them.  And now, their spiritual "muscles" are weak because they have not allowed the Lord to strengthen them, to battle-test them.  

The proverbial heat is being turned up around us.  

In Matthew 24, Jesus forewarns us about nation rising against nation in the last days more than ever.  He warns us that we will be "handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me."  (verse 9)

He goes on to say that many will turn away from their faith, even to the point of betraying and hating each other. (verse 10)

He says that with the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold.  (verse 12)

But - and here is the clincher - "the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." (verse 13)

So if we are not used to standing strong in our faith during the tough times now, how we will stand "to the end?"

Let us be ready!  Let Jesus take you through whatever He knows will best prepare you for the days ahead so that you will be prepared and ready for anything.

Give yourself to Him fully no matter what.  Trust Him.  He knows exactly what He is doing.


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